Did go fishing and it was very nice. I was surprised that I did not catch any. Didn't even see one.
I am driving to Salida tomorrow to do several things. It's about three hours away through the mountains. I want to listen to Amy Goodman who will be there at 11:30. While there a visit to BACK ROADS to get the best shredded chicky burrito with the other best green chili to be had anywhere. A stop at Leadville where for possibly the best chocolate malt $2.65 can buy. Will try to fish somewhere either on the Arkansas around Salida or the Colorado when I get closer to home. Then there's the mileage test. Shaping up to be a good day.
From today

Salida. Wow. Hadn't seen that locale name in many many years. A friend of my parents lived in Crestone; we were through there way back in 1975. Beautiful country. . .