Did receive the fuel additive mentioned before and we are testing. It might not be much but if it works that will be way too cool. Hopes are high at this time.
Did go fishing and it was very nice. I was surprised that I did not catch any. Didn't even see one.
I am driving to Salida tomorrow to do several things. It's about three hours away through the mountains. I want to listen to Amy Goodman who will be there at 11:30. While there a visit to BACK ROADS to get the best shredded chicky burrito with the other best green chili to be had anywhere. A stop at Leadville where for possibly the best chocolate malt $2.65 can buy. Will try to fish somewhere either on the Arkansas around Salida or the Colorado when I get closer to home. Then there's the mileage test. Shaping up to be a good day.
From today
Salida. Wow. Hadn't seen that locale name in many many years. A friend of my parents lived in Crestone; we were through there way back in 1975. Beautiful country. . .