Every tree in the picture below except for the monster in the middle has it. Over the last couple years maybe ten trees have been removed but this fall almost all were hit. It may not look like it now but these trees are deader than a door nail as they say. Why they haven't hit the big one I don't know. It's just a matter of time. Many of these trees are huge and are 150 to 175 years old.

Needed to get to the back side of the golf course and on the way back shot this short video. Turn the sound down as it's just engine noise.
What I wish to illustrate is that any green tree you see is history as well. The hillside right now is at least 40% gone. The first house in the video took over two years to construct and is probably lived in maybe two months if that out of the year. The statistic from the local paper from a couple years ago said 64% of the homes in Steamboat Springs are lived in that amount of time. The houses seen close to the road are under construction. Many of these homes of course carry multi-million dollar price tags.
I gotta problem with this kind of shit. First of all if you don't live in it it's not your goddamn home it becomes something other and what that is I'm not sure. The people building these are not like us. These are the ones in the top one per cent who have benefited from the killer chimp's tax cuts. They are profiteer's of war no more no less. Fuck them and the lame dick horse they rode in on. Sonsofbitches. If that analogy is incorrect please clue me in.
Dude, that beetle infestation is bad shit.
ReplyDeleteMillions of dead trees equals HUMONGOUS fire danger!
What the fuck are they gonna do, cut 'em all down?
No, they can't.
Bad fuckin news, that shit.
Once they're dead, their dead,come summer time, one good thunderstorm is going to light that shit off like a box of matches.
I hope them rich squatters have good insurance, better yet, I hope they don't.
Remember what happened to Yellowstone, yer looking to see the same fuckin scenario.
bustedknuckles, Yellowstone burned because they didn't manage it. The wolves are back, the snowpack is good this year.
ReplyDeleteCalifornia, (middle $ Northern, we got chaparral here which is a whole nother story except for there's too many people on it) on the other hand, has the same problem onefly is talking about. Part of the problem is no small burns, no thinning, the beetles and million dollar homes that must be protected. Do the people in Colorado hire their own private fire protection as part of an insurance package also?
Nunya-the answer to that has to be no. The reason is that where many of these are located it is next to impossible to protect them. Even with out the kill there can be extreme fire danger. There will be a time when conditions are right when wind,dryness and a lightning stike come together that will wipe all these out and there won't be a thing that can stop it. I suppose I should start feeling sorry for these fuckers now.