There's A Moose Loose
I have a good feeling what has happened to the other one. These special fuckers around here are in too big hurry to give these animals the space they deserve and the other one got hurt because of it. When there is traffic they become skittish and the roads are very slick at times and they have to cross it to get down to the creek for water. I hope the other one shows up because they pose no danger this time of year and it's a kick to observe them. This was taken out my window at work and they were directly below one time but didn't get to see them. Come on back guys I need some close up action.
You Tube now allows you to watch in high quality. There is an icon in the lower right of the video that will pop up when it starts playing.
A Little Help For A Friend
There are two days left to vote and there are other categories as well. You need to vote in three categories for it to count according to the rules.
Best of luck Pauline!!
Stem Cells And What Coulda And Shoulda Been
A group of patients suffering from the early stages of multiple sclerosis have shown significant improvements in their condition after being injected with stem cells, scientists say.
FDA And Black Widow Spider Bites
Dahr Jamail's Back In Iraq
Baghdad today, on the eve of provincial elections, feels like it has emerged from several years of horrendous violence, but do not be misled. Every Iraqi I’ve spoken with feels it is tenuous, the still-fragile lull too young to trust.
Most journalists and I hesitate to give most of them that title have left and Iraq is no longer a story. I'm glad to see Jamail's viewpoint first hand. This place is a powder keg.
Two Librarians Killed By Drunk Pyramid Scammer
One of the librarians had retired in 2007 but visited the library as a storyteller in the children's department. She was one of 21 librarians from across the country cited for their dedication by The New York Times in 2006. Last month, she was installed as national vice president of the the Association for Library Service to Children. The other lady had been married for 30 years and was the mother of three children.
This is very sad. Then the drunk monkey fled the scene but was caught. Put this lowlife so far back in the cell they have to pipe her the food.
It's Literally A Shit Hole On Jumeirah Beach In Dubai

Reading this damn near made me nauseous. The worst I ever saw was Korle Bu lagoon in Accra,Ghana. A giant septic tank lagoon. It was black and so very nasty. This situation is damn near as revolting. Now they're trying to pin blame.
All the money in the world couldn't get it right.
It's Been Dumping All Day
Yo There Chucky Babington Whore AP Fucktard
This piece of shit piece gets no link and not many do from this AP disease infested den of cheap worn out whores. Read a little and that was enough.
Fuck Chuck and the rest of the inbreds there. May someday you and the rest get yours for the shit you have done to my country.
Going Once-Going Twice
Paying out money to those killed never once admitting fault. The most telling statement was-
But Weir said the U.S. couldn't just stop targeted raids on leaders of militant cells."When you stop these operations, the bad guys get more IEDs (bombs) in place, they bring in more foreign fighters, they destroy the bridges we build," he said. "It just goes on and on."
No shit Sapphire! What a shitty job this must be going out and doling out cash to people whose family members have been killed and their only crime being innocence. And it will go "on and on" no matter how much money we throw at these people. We have learned nothing and it's only going to get worse.
Big Bertha Is Still Needed
Well to do people like spending a lot of money on golf clubs and such even though they can't hit the fucking ball. The trickle down shit storm I don't think has reached many in the high end market of this game. We'll see what happens as we get closer to spring.
A Business That's Doing Quite Well
Looks like people are becoming a bit worried about losing what they have to some who have lost all they have.
Another Sign Of The Times
Another legacy left by the Emperor of Death as as the economy worsens so will these statistics. There won't be time to hire and train enough police for what's ahead. Oh-but we have those 20,000 battle hardened troops stationed here for just this type of thing. Member that.
Neighborhood patrols are gaining in popularity.
93 Year Old Frozen To Death
This hurts to see something like this happen and this company has to implement a procedure to insure it never does again.
JP Lipson -Eleonora Iordanova Igova Update

Link to the picture site.

It has been over 10 months since I made this post. To this day people continue to seek information on Eleonora but search engines return only three results. My post that had no information and was used as an example for something else. The others are a police report in the LA Times and a short paragraph in the local fish wrapper.
Several friends and I have also been wondering about the status of this incident so last Friday I made a couple phone calls to the Beverly Hills PD.
This afternoon I received a call from the detective in charge of this case. He was not able to tell me much as the case is still ongoing.
What can be said for certain is that Eleonora Igova remains in custody charged with murder. There will be a trial and as of today no date has been set.
I hope this little bit of information is of help to you who come looking particularly those of you from Bulgaria.
Is There A Plan
Republicans Are Resistant to Obama’s Stimulus Plan
The same piece of shit repug senators and that crying worn out rectum house minority leader have made it clear what they plan on doing along with the help of of some dims.
Will it be different now or does the Obama team have a plan to negate what is sure to come from these people who have no intention of moving this country forward but only to continue to further their goosestep agenda of the dark side.
I hope to see something because if these few can continue to hold this congress hostage we'll be in deeper shit then we ever thought.
Afghanny's Are Pissed
And you can't blame them just as we would be if civilians who have done nothing and their only crime is being alive get killed and are told tough shit.
It's next to impossible to get a straight answer from our military when it comes to killing civilians. Who ya going to believe and just how in the hell are we ever going to get these people on our side if ever so we can get the fuck outta there?
The Mourners Shouted, "Death To America! Death To Killers Of Women!"
So they were after a bad guy. One weapon in the house under the mattress the women was sleeping on.
Things haven't changed too much!
Sorry But It's Haggard Again
This time from a young man who was a volunteer at Haggard's church who had remained silent until now. A church spokesman had this to say about the man making the allegation.
"I think what caused this young man to be a bit aggravated was Ted being seen as a victim, when he himself had experienced a great deal of hurt," Boyd said."I seriously doubt this man would have come forward if the documentary had not been made."
The hypocrisy of so called "Christians" especially in this case of Ted Haggard and in particular when he is the focus of a documentary about the trials and tribulations he has faced and then gets caught once again for the nutso religious piece of skunk shit that he is goes too far!The sonofabitchs face should never be seen on a TV screen but no America loves this and the media is way too happy to oblige.
Winter Is Tough On Animals
State wildlife officials say more than a dozen elk have died since Sunday after falling through the ice at Paonia Reservoir in Gunnison County.
Just hate to see this and hope the ones killed by vehicles can be butchered for those in need.
Benny's New You Tube Channel Review
12 short videos posted closing in on 80,000 hits on the first day. Ratzinger himself is in most of them. Two dealt with the importance of children and the rest I already forgot.
Nothing new here-same old shit. Bunch of men young and old wearing robes walking around slowly some carrying stick objects in front of them pointing up and above them. A bunch of angels flitting around would have been a nice touch and without even a hint of action it is boring pass all.
One kneeler out of a possible ten.
Guess Who's Got Over Half The Lithium In The World
Bolivia is the Saudi Arabia of lithium. It's home to 73 million metric tons of lithium carbonate, more than half the world's supply.
Our country will very possibly need a bunch of that. Of course the chimp didn't like Evo so maybe it's time for a new tactic other than the fear and threat factor.
Time to work some magic President Obama.
The Issue Of Deviant Priests Continues Far to The North
Given the track record of priests who rape and the robes who send these men to different places as to not be found out it is fair to say this lawsuit and the claims by those who say they were abused has merit.
When there is abuse by priests at this level going back years how can this church have any credibility left is an example of just how mind screwed most "christians" are.
Hell Yes I'd Live In One Of These
This isn't perfect and it's not intended to be but I have lived in a 400 square foot chicken coop that had all the amenities and it wasn't all that bad.
To me this is an example of what can be done. Innovations that challenge in this case conventional construction. We need different and less expensive ways of doing things as times get harder.
The same can be applied to a vehicle that is to be used for basic transportation.
At Least They Weren't Rapers
In a Florida court yesterday, Reverend John Skehan, 81, pleaded guilty to embezzling hundreds of thousands of dollars in what prosecutors believe may be the biggest embezzlement case to hit the US Catholic Church.
He Told You It Was Gooses-They All Did !!
a feather found on a wing, backed the early theory that birds caused the near disaster
Casting a suspicion of doubt to play up the drama. Fuck you big time.
You can see a flock of geese for miles if conditions are right. And when you fly into them even at speed I'm sure one can see them real good.
You didn't cast doubt in '03 with Iraq and that always earns another fuck you.
BIG WHORE MEDIA you are as guilty as all the others because of the state of affairs our nation faces now.
Good On The Army

Neighborhood electric vehicle (NEV) from U.S. Army on Vimeo.
We have two of these Toro electric Workmans going into their third year. Check the water a few times through the season and keep it plugged in and that's all. Excellent performance and for that they get an A.

That felt so good writing President Obama!
More People Hurting In Colorado
The numbers of those needing assistance are mounting here and most everywhere else. This article dishes out a lot of information.
Israel To Investigate Itself On Its Use of White Phosphorus
This substance is so nasty and is on the list of banned weapons. I have a pretty good idea what the results will be of this investigation.
PTSD Claims Another Decorated Soldier
Assigned to help others and in the end can not help himself and others could not save him.
This is so sad what's happening to our soldiers and the ones that survive will never be the same.
Congrat's From A Republican With A Brain
This from Ed Rollins a man from the right I do listen to given the opportunity. A nice insightful piece that shows there are some on the other side willing to really discuss the issues.
It's A Good Day In America
Can you imagine what it must be like to be the most hated man in the world. People will be dancing in the streets,bush,desert,rain forest,everywhere because he is despised by all.
May the hope that tens of millions feel be fulfilled and that we begin the road back to what we all envision our country to be.
It is a very good day today!
Killer Cheney Recieves Gift From The Courts
The sonofabitch gets to hide his blood spattered records from view but we all know what he's done. Get your sorry ass up to Wyoming and stay in your hole so we don't have to see you again except at your war crimes trial.
Pelosi Open to Prosecution ????
I don't know about you guys but I will believe this after it's done and the door to the slammer is locked and not until then.
Poop Benny Getting His Own Channel
This should be something to behold. I will not be looking at the reviews or maybe I should review it. I may be just the guy for that job.
Will Share This With You
Some of the things mentioned are not easily seen.
No Pictures Of Mugabe's She Bitch

Sweet Grace all pissed off after getting her picture taken had her body guard hold this guy down while she pummeled him with her jewel encased hands causing numerous cuts to this mans face and then runs away. Nice!
President almost Obama even with so much on the plate can we add a side dish of Zimbabwe please? It is long overdue the US begin to take an active role in what is happening in this country. These are the types of issues found in Zimbabwe I want my country to be involved in. Places where a bit of positive change can impact millions with little cost and no war plus make some friends too.
U.K. Prime Minister Opens Mouth
Well then Gordy old boy the question needs to be asked of you how many would have been just right? Dumb shit!
I'm Outta Here

It's Iran's Fault
Neo Con's continue to be a clear and ever present danger to the truth. These slugs dominate the media and if they ever get their wish Iran in the cross hairs for years will have the trigger pulled on them.
May Obama be smarter than that and distance himself from those who want for nothing but continued war killing and bloodshed.
Hopelessness Will Get Worse
People like these are being put on your tab too monkey. When will it come around for him?
Bad Weather My Ass Probably
Remember the helicopter crashes in Iraq and how initially the reason was blamed on something other than hostile fire but in the end most of the time it was just that.
I look at this the same wayand don't believe this at this time. Ask the Russky's how the tide turned there when missiles supplied by the United States were used against them and how quickly the tide turned.
Anyone who thinks every last one was used up is being naive. This is going to be extremely nasty. LTFO
Utah Dummies With Guns
Supremes Rule Cops Do Not Need Proper Evidence
I'm not a lawyer but I can recognize when the door is left open for abuse and this is a double barn door and you can bet cops all over the country are getting wood over this.
See what the cops have been up to over at the EB Misfit's and it's easy to understand why there is a need to be concerned.
Cops fuck up all the time and harm people and are seldom held accountable. This ruling allows them another tool to trample us in the dirt.
Bull Shit Meter Breaks
First after years of torture and other mind numbing games did you expect these guys to have a cup of coffee with us? And then you want me to believe you have the ability to track them and what they do to the inner sanctums of where they returned to. Give me a fucking break and use that ability you don't have and find Bin Laden. Also I seriously doubt after you got done with them they're able to do much at all aside from hating our guts with all their might.
Tough Times? Sell Your Daughter
Just what the hell can you say anyway except there's a bunch of crazy sonsofbitches out there.
Thanks Bernie-We Need A Bunch More Like You
Thanks again Senator Sanders for looking out for all of us.
Brits Find Taleban Bomb Factory But There's A Problem
No doubt this is a good thing stash was found. The problem is there are a hundred more out there you can bet on it. These people are not stupid and have no intention of giving up or losing whether it's next week or years from now.
Ever Looked At An Airpower Summary?
In Afghanistan, an Air Force A-10 Thunderbolt II and a Navy F/A-18E Super Hornet performed shows of force and expended flares to deter anti-Afghan forces from attacking coalition units in the vicinity of Ghazni. The missions were declared a success by the on-scene joint terminal attack controllers.
This piece goes on and on like this. Plenty of flares expended and the missions are always a success.
Approximately 126 airlift sorties were flown; more than 420 tons of cargo were delivered, and nearly 3,200 passengers were transported. This included approximately 16,400 pounds of troop resupply that was air-dropped in Afghanistan. On Jan. 7, Air Force and coalition tankers flew 52 sorties and off-loaded approximately 3.7 million pounds of fuel to 314 receiving aircraft.
This goes on daily has been going on and is going to continue for some time growing larger in scale. So many things enter my thoughts on how screwed up this is I'm unclear on how to show my outrage over the waste of our country's resources.
In addition you have these things flying all over hell that have to be maintained as well.
OneFly To Control
Not tomorrow as yours truly has a date with pain. The extra battery did not arrive and I think by Friday or Saturday training will be ongoing and intense. At least until the batteries run out.
Going to get my 10 bucks from Busted for sure.

Times Are Tough-City Reduces Pot Fines
This city is inside of Denver and this fine is actually more than if charged by the state for less than an ounce. That fine is $100 and no jail time. Have to give this local government a bit of credit for understanding the fines they had on the books didn't match the crime and the cost to prosecute was much more than it was worth.
Now if only the Federales could pull there heads out of their asses.
'When Fighting Season Begins Again" In Afghannystan
In Iraq, armored vehicles could travel on both the roads and the desert. Here, the paved roads are mostly for outsiders - travelers, truckers and foreign troops; to reach the populace, American forces must find unmapped caravan routes that run through treacherous terrain, routes not designed for their modern military vehicles.
Fighting is significantly different than in Iraq.
In Iraq, a half-hour firefight was considered a long engagement; here, Marines have fought battles that have lasted as long as eight hours against an enemy whose attacking forces have grown from platoon-size to company-size.
And when they do decide to fight it's a totally different breed of cat.
When the Taliban does take on the Marines, it's a different kind of fight, Marines said. For one, the Taliban'll wait until they're ready, not just when an opportunity appears. They'll clear the area of women and children, not use them as shields. And when the attack comes, it's often a full-scale attack, with flanks, trenches and a plan, said one Marine captain and Iraq veteran who asked not to be identified because he wasn't sure he was allowed to discuss tactics.
With the escalation just beginning it appears problems are developing that were not seen beforehand. Equipment that worked in Iraq is not suited for the environment and terrain of Afghanistan plus these guys fight much differently.
Ask the Russians how well things went for them. Make a determination on Bin Laden and get us the fuck out of there!!
Another Small Plane Crash Here
The people who perished have second homes here. Weather was not bad this morning not like it was with the first crash. Not going up in a small plane around here. It's just too damn dangerous for me.
A Nation Of Medicine Chest Junkies
The medicine chest line has been mine for years.Whether statistics like these hold true for other states I'm not sure but they are probably close.
How in the hell even if there were to be a rational discussion on ending the war on drugs could it be if prescription drugs were not included? When you have more people dieing from prescription drugs than from illegal drugs a light should come on for most who can reason even just a little bit.
Not here though. We won't be having that debate because that would point out the many problems with the pharmaceutical industry who has one of the most powerful lobby's in the halls of congress. And that is just one of many entities that profits or owes it's continued existence to the culture of drugs in our society.
Hypocrite Christian Crazy Needs Slapped Again
Had hoped to never visit this issue again but when you open your pie hole and complain enough didn't forgive you it only reinforces the fact how mind fucked you really are.
You stood behind your bigoted bully pulpit in the seat of religious crazy's and a huge military complex of Colorado Springs espousing your insane and intolerable dogma on the thousands there that were stupid enough to listen. Mind screwing young people and given a forum all the way up to the White House.
Then you were exposed for what you really were. Then you cried. Then you were thrown out in your fucked ass. Then in three weeks of intense prayer declared cured of all your fucked upidness. Now you bitch people weren't more forgiving of your hypocrisy and depravity.
Sorry Charlie none of that here for the likes of you and other god nuts who do nothing but create divisions within our country with your vile rhetoric. No sir you can kiss my ass instead.
And why the fuck are you even being given a national forum to whine and an attempt to redeem yourself anyway. You get one chance when you wear the cloak of the invisible cloud being and you fucked that up.
The media are just as big of douche bag as you are. No wonder the sheep are so goddamn stupid here.
Drug War Front Poised To Expand
The plan includes federal homeland security agents helping local authorities and maybe even military assistance from the Department of Defense, possibly including aircraft, armored vehicles and special teams to go to areas overwhelmed with violence, authorities said.
War Front-Tijuana
The profit of illegal drugs needs to be taken away so the killing can stop. The hysteria and outcry over Nick Berg should be remembered because beheading is so fucking abhorrent.
Fact of the matter is that our country is not going to have a discussion on ending the drug war let alone a vote in congress anytime soon if ever.
This will be like them "killer bees"-movement will be to the north.
If you want to read this thing it's here.
UPDATE - Feds have a plan for just this. Jesus christ double yikes!! Check this out.
Make It So Obama
Interesting comment that without question is true. I've spoken with several of these men who worked with the CCC and they all spoke fondly of that time and the positive effect it made in their lives.
There's been talk of something like this happening again. I hope it becomes a reality as there are nothing but positives that will come from it and quickly too.
Young people need to feel they have a stake in this game plus they will learn skills they will take with them the rest of their lives.
Yea-get your #1 right on it Barack.
I'll Keep An Eye Out For Ya
Not only that he did the same thing to his other eye on a previous occasion. Plus he ripped out the hearts of the three victims he's on death row for. At least he didn't eat the hearts. Sick fuck.
He has been found competent to stand trial in Texas.
He Ha Mosey Up To The Bar And Have Yourself A God
The values equated with this lifestyle are continually touted as something that others don't have. There's a lot of narrow mindedness within this very small group and the idea that this way of life is better than others is a fallacy. Incorporate a cloud being into it and it gets worse.
OTC calls bullshit on that and also those who believe in a invisible cloud being are somehow better than those who believe otherwise. Just ain't so.
So belly up to the bar and have yourself a Curs-Curs Light-He Ha!!
Heck Of A Job Gets Evacuated Himself
A series of wind-whipped wildfires north of Boulder, Colo., have forced the evacuation of more than 11,500 residents — among them vilified ex-Federal Emergency Management Agency head Michael Brown.
I wonder if he appreciates the fact that he had chance to do so. Probably not.
This Is What's Called Hardball
If our side would just play good softball we would at least stand a chance.
Religious Crazy Kills Innocent Man
And kill he did just like many of these deranged people who believe they have that right from above to kill. Religion in the end may be the death of all of us.
Before he went out and did this the sonofabitch killed his cat and in the end killed himself as well.
Sick fucks all of you.
Chris Assthews Running Away
He should be run off the air for the shit that he's said. He's another whore who enables and casts doubt on progressive ideas. And this from a former Peace Corps Volunteer. No respect for this slug-not even a little bit.
What To Do With Harry

WTF anyway with Burris. May not like it but Blago was within his rights to appoint him and the senate couldn't stop it. Said you were but then you fold like a cheap China made 15 buck table at Consumer World.
The shit spewing out of your thin lipped mouth would have the framers offing themselves with their quill pens. You don't work for Obama or us but the record shows you put in overtime for Killer Bush.
Fuck you Harry Reid! Saying that ain't going to change a thing but one thing is for certain. There are one hell a lot more of us that want you gone than want to keep your skinny ass around. Isn't that embarrassing supposedly being on the same side and everything?
You and a few repug senators plus I'm sure a couple of dims will ensure needed economic legislation will take a long time to pass and of course be compromised because you lack balls.
Already the media has taken half the wind out of Obama's sail along with your help.
If I woke up tomorrow and for some unknown reason you were no longer senate majority leader I would celebrate by going into town and getting all pissed up just so I could be somebody.
Unfortunately there is no such hangover in my future only the increasingly rapid spiral into the shitter you helped enable. Fuck you again!
Joe the Dumber To Become Correspondent
A nobody before becoming a bit known and then laughed at because he was just that- a wing nut lowlife. Enough credentials though to give the wingers what they need . Word on the street is that he may team up with Jeffy Gannon to use the ropes. Oops - meant learn the ropes.
Unemployment Centers Overwhelmed
Here it comes. This article predicts unemployment will raise to 7% when the report comes out on Friday. Another friend I spoke to has lost his job and there sure as hell are none around here unless it's for shoveling snow which is starting to become a pain in the ass as it won't stop. Must be at least 12 out there from last night.
Hey-make that 15" and I've got my hands full for damn sure.
Outrage Update/Murder On Mainstreet
Sgt. 1st Class Richard Lopez was a member of U.S. special forces in Iraq and Afghanistan who was badly wounded in Afghanistan, his relatives said today.
Here is the link to the latest article from the local fish wrapper that contains quite a bit more information.
Needless to say I am saddened and also super pissed off about this for more than one reason.
This soldier was able to survive those two hell holes plus being severely wounded but unable to survive the streets of Steamboat Springs having been murdered in the middle of downtown. Murder isn't quite correct because he died later of severe head trauma but this is a killing without question.
It happened right outside of this business where the problems started right in the center of downtown about a ten block stretch.

This town because of the way it has been developed now depends on tourists to drive the economy. Realtors and the Chamber of Commerce are the main players with the family aspect a large part of the marketing plan. In past history population doubles several times during the year. That has not happened this ski season so far.
To my way of thinking there are far too many reports of intoxicated people in public along with the fights. Few arrests or charges because it's my opinion that costs people in business money. Ironically there are many DUI arrests.
There has been no mention of alcohol with the five men involved but you can bet your life it's part of this tragedy. This country's relationship with alcohol is and has been an extreme negative for our society. Much of the negative is the result of the way it's marketed.
Want to offer sincere condolences to Sgt. 1st Class Richard Lopez's son, his family and friends and say to them that even in disagreement with the wars does not mean this man's service to our country is not respected or appreciated. It's the opposite.
I'm so sorry this happened.
Soldier Killed Here Over Song On Jukebox
A 37 year old soldier stationed in Fort Bragg died from injuries sustained in a fight outside a local sports bar. The suspects have left the area.
In many respects this is a small town. I drive past this bar on a daily basis-you can't help not to. I was in it for the first time a week ago.
It appears three soldiers were in a fight with two others and somebody lost his life because of it.
WTF anyway!
Congratulations Al
Al Franken is going to be a great senator and you can bet he'll never get his ass chewed out like Coleman. If only some of our guys could talk like this.
Got Things Going
Got a ride into work and proceeded to break out the welder. This has happened before and has caused mucho difficulties. We three braniacs last year started to shut off the problem area and drain the lines. We did not freeze up last year and had drained the system for the long weekend of New Years. Wasn't enough and we got part of it going but the other did not break loose. We'll be doing the same tomorrow and hopefully we can get water running all over.
Came to the house and the temp had risen to a balmy -3. Car started and the frozen line was a minor inconvenience. Added some insulation that should prevent it from happening again unless we get a Maybell. I've seen it -40 before and that kind of cold is dangerous.
All in all feel good things went as well as they did and consider myself lucky.
Bomblets Are Being Used In Gaza ?
In the two previous posts about this weapon was unsure they were being used. This video to me proves that they are.
In this a number of these shells are detonating above ground as in the picture used in the posts mentioned. Not until 3:45 do you see a number of secondary explosions and that's the key and you don't have to be an expert to determine this one. I say there were about 88 other explosions.
US, Russia, China, Israel, India and Pakistan didn't sign the treaty that would have banned the production and use of cluster bombs. They like them toooo much.
And what's behind this but religion. Plus you had the invisible cloud being here talking to the chimp. Most of the world it seems is religiously insane and it's not a joke. These insane people have lost their ability to reason but that does not in any way legitimize the use of cluster bombs.
We are in deep shit all the way around.
Yes There Are Artillery Bomblet Shells

But what can be said with certainty delivery systems for bomblets do include artillery rounds. One of which is the 155mm M483A1 Dual Purpose Improved Conventional Munition (DPICM). The M483A1 delivers 88 dual purpose anti-material and anti-personnel grenades.
This is what it looks like.

Are bomblet munitions being used in Gaza? I'm not the one to answer that either but it's safe to say chances are good they are. And if they are being used and civilians are being killed as a result it's a crime in anybody's book who has a heart.
Careful My Ass

It Ain't Just Obama
I say this state has made a major leap into the 21st century this last election.
In the same grand chambers where the Ku Klux Klan once held sway, two black men will assume the most powerful positions in the Colorado General Assembly.
Can't Parallel Park-Worries Over Buy A Lincoln
Seriously if you can not park your car you should not be allowed behind the wheel.
More importantly Ford don't you think you should be focusing on other areas given your shitty financial situation.
The success of your company has nothing to do with the ability of your luxury Lincoln log with wheels to park it's self.
Put the people on the line in charge and you may have a chance.
OTC's First And Probably Last Movie Review
Saw Valkyrie based on the true story of the last attempt to kill Hitler a few months before the end of the war.
There was-
Plenty of Germans good and bad.
What appeared to me authentic German planes which I liked.
Uniforms also looked authentic.
Not too much killing or blood.
The typical stereotype of a German soldier when a bad ass was needed.
Only a couple of Frauleins who showed no skin.
No swearing
Drama always
In the end the good guys lost and all got whacked. That's about it. Cost six and a half smackers and came with a shitty seat.
It gets five out of a possible ten ears of field corn. Speaking of corn they wanted $5.50 for a small popcorn. Yikes!
A side note about Germans-
A few years ago when my Dad was visiting several friends were also there. In attendance was a Frentzel a Himmelberger and a Dahlhauser. I explained that I was French and Dad said "Don't believe a word he says. He's just as German as the Kaiser".
Really- I'm French.
Get Caught With Pot In The Cornfield-You Win The "Double Whammy"
Failure to have a drug tax stamp on the controlled substance will result in a charge, in addition to being charged with possession of the illegal substance.
Here are the fines and the stamps are only good for six months.
$5 per gram for processed marijuana
$750 per unprocessed marijuana plant
$250 per gram of any other controlled substances
$400 per 10 doses (pill form) if not sold by weight
To order drug tax stamps go to the Iowa Department of Revenue at Taxpayer Services, Hoover Building Fourth Floor, Des Moines, Iowa, or call (515) 281-8966 to make an appointment. Order forms are available online at http://www.state.ia.us/tax/taxlaw
And then they wonder why none are being sold.
Head is still being shaken.
Surging Into Afghannystan
"By introducing more U.S. capability in here we have the potential to change the game," Nicholson said.
Military officials say they have enough troops to win battles but not to hold territory, and they hope the influx of troops, plus the continued growth of the Afghan army, will change that.
More U.S. troops — 151 — died in Afghanistan in 2008 than any of the seven years since the invasion to oust the Taliban, and U.S. officials warn violence will probably intensify next year.
"If we get the troops, they're going to move into areas that haven't been secured, and when we do that, the enemy is there, and we're going to fight," said Nicholson. That fighting should eventually clear the way for security and governance to take hold, he said. "If you want to summarize that as it's going to get worse before it gets better, that's exactly what we're talking about," he said.
So sick of the bullshit. The only goddamn thing these war pigs know for sure is that it's going to get worse before it gets better. This is what we have to look forward to.
Have been looking for numbers of contractors In Afghanistan to see how it compares to Iraq but have not been able to find any. Probably fair to say it's substantial.
No Biggy's Show For Green Zone Handoff
A podium was set up in the middle of a dirty street. Five small balloons and some tinsel decorated a seating area. The American ambassador and the top commander of U.S. troops didn't show up. Neither did Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.
At one checkpoint where U.S. troops had been strict in their enforcement of security protocols, Iraqi soldiers smiled and conducted only cursory pat-downs. No one objected when visitors simply walked around a body-scan machine instead of passing through it.
When the ceremony was over, workers took down the banner, revealing a sign underneath. It was a set of rules, created by the U.S. military, on how weapons should be handled in the Green Zone.
To think that the US has stopped calling the plays in Irak is being naive.
Judge Awards $65 Million Smackers To USS Pueblo Crew
North Korea fined in incident that occurred more than 40 years ago.
The hypocrisy never ends.
Entering this new year with a sense of forebode when most have an upbeat attitude and I do have positive feelings but overall '09 is going to be nasty.
Greetings of optimism for the year have added meaning.
Happy New Year to all and thanks for visiting! More importantly may this coming year be a good one for you and your family and our country.