It's been known for a couple weeks that Michael Reagan and Grover
Norquist were coming to town to speak to the local nutters. But this morning found out the bell of the ball will be making an appearance-none other then that hateful bigoted Minnesota dumb bitch Michele

This conference is for two days and costs $250. Having this woman attend to me puts this in a different light. Understand that Steamboat Springs is not a very large city 10,000 at best and voted Democratic the last election. But there's money here and it's big money or else these players of the Republican Party could care squat about coming here.
My first thought on this was this is possibly a perfect opportunity for national exposure highlighting just how far off base these people really are. And the way that is done is that you have all kinds of lefties show up with their guns. First of all they are not expecting any type of protest I'm sure not here in Ski Town USA. Sure as hell don't want no bad publicity but if you read here often you saw where last January a decorated soldier was attacked on Main Street and later died of his injuries.
My point is that it's time to turn the tables on these people and maybe this type of action could have the possibility of having their previous actions backfire on them. There is no way that I can organize something like this but I have put out a couple feelers because this is not well known outside of this community that major players of the Republican Party are coming here to play their games.
Guns may seem a bit extreme for our side but they only have to be seen just a little bit and then an educated spokesman could explain what the dynamics are really about. It just seems to me there is an opportunity here that should not be lost and I am curious to what others may think.
Thanks, OF
Update- I would prefer there not to be guns and maybe I'm nervous because soon I'll be real close to some of the most evil people known anywhere.