I drove past this between Salida and Cotopaxi on State Highway 50 in Colorado. I had to turn around and tell whoever that I stood with them totally assuming I was correct. I was and got the biggest hug of appreciation for doing so.

From my understanding, there are close to 3000 children being held around this country after being seized from their parents at the border.

Many will never see their Mom and Dad again because Republicans are totally evil.

You bastards!


Bloggers Selected For The DNC

The lucky ones or not have been chosen to blog from the DNC in August. Only recognized two and met Square State last December in Denver. They will tell it like it is for sure. I will read what many of these sites have to say first over what the media whores will frame it as.

ALASKA: Celtic Diva's Blue Oasis: divasblueoasis.blogspot.com
ALABAMA: Doc's Political Parlor: www.politicalparlor.net
ARKANSAS: Under The Dome.com: www.underthedome.com
ARIZONA: Ted Prezelski - Rum, Romanism and Rebellion: www.rumromanismrebellion.net
CALIFORNIA: Calitics: Calitics.com
COLORADO: SquareState.net: squarestate.net
CONNECTICUT: My Left Nutmeg: myleftnutmeg.com
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: DCist.com: dcist.com
DELAWARE: TommyWonk: tommywonk.blogspot.com/
DEMOCRATS Abroad: Democrats Abroad Argentina: www.yanquimike.com.ar
FLORIDA: Florida Progressive Coalition: flaprogressives.org
GEORGIA: Tondee's Tavern: www.tondeestavern.com
GUAM: No Rest for the Awake - Minagahet Chamorro: minagahet.blogspot.com
HAWAII: iLind.net: Ian Lind Online: www.ilind.net
IOWA: The Iowa Independent: iowaindependent.com
IDAHO: 43rdStateBlues.com: www.43rdstateblues.com
ILLINOIS: Prairie State Blue: www.PrairieStateBlue.com
INDIANA: Blue Indiana: www.blueindiana.net
KANSAS: EverydayCitizen.com: everydaycitizen.com
KENTUCKY: BlueGrassRoots: www.bluegrassroots.org
LOUISIANA: Daily Kingfish: www.dailykingfish.com
MASSACHUSETTS: Blue Mass. Group: www.bluemassgroup.com
MARYLAND: The Center for Emerging Media: www.centerforemergingmedia.com
MAINE: Turn Maine Blue: www.turnmaineblue.com
MICHIGAN: Blogging For Michigan: bloggingformichigan.com
MINNESOTA: Minnesota Monitor: minnesotamonitor.com
MISSISSIPPI: The Natchez Blog: natchezms.blogspot.com
MISSOURI: Fired Up! LLC: www.firedupmissouri.com
MONTANA: Left in the West: www.leftinthewest.com
NORTH CAROLINA: BlueNC.com: bluenc.com
NORTH DAKOTA: NorthDecoder.com: www.northdecoder.com
NEBRASKA: New Nebraska Network: www.NewNebraska.net
NEW HAMPSHIRE: Blue Hampshire: www.bluehampshire.com
NEW JERSEY: PolitickerNJ.com: www.politickernj.com
NEW MEXICO: Democracy for New Mexico: www.DemocracyForNewMexico.com
NEVADA: Las Vegas Gleaner: www.lasvegasgleaner.com
NEW YORK: Room 8: www.r8ny.com
OHIO: Ohio Daily Blog: www.ohiodailyblog.com
OKLAHOMA: DemoOkie: www.DemoOkie.com
OREGON: BlueOregon (blog): www.blueoregon.com
PENNSYLVANIA: Keystone Politics: www.keystonepolitics.com
PUERTO RICO: Jusiper: jusiper.blogspot.com
RHODE ISLAND: Rhode Island's Future: www.rifuture.org
SOUTH CAROLINA: CracktheBell.com: www.crackthebell.com
SOUTH DAKOTA: Badlands Blue: www.badlandsblue.com
TENNESSEE: KnoxViews/TennViews: www.knoxviews.com
TEXAS: Burnt Orange Report: www.BurntOrangeReport.com
UTAH: The Utah Amicus: utahamicus.com
VIRGINIA: Raising Kaine: www.raisingkaine.com
VIRGIN ISLANDS: Democratic Party of the US Virgin Islands: groups.yahoo.com/group/democratvi
VERMONT: Green Mountain Daily: greenmountaindaily.com
WASHINGTON: HorsesAss.org: www.horsesass.org
WISCONSIN: Uppity Wisconsin: www.uppitywis.org
WEST VIRGINIA: West Virginia Blue: www.wvablue.com
WYOMING: Hummingbirdminds blog: hummingbirdminds.blogspot.com

1 comment:

  1. Horse's Ass is one of the better ones in WA. It looks like a good list.
