This is just sick shit no other way around it. Look at this quote from the article.
"This is a treaty drafted largely by countries which do not fight wars," said John Pike, a defense analyst and director of GlobalSecurity.org.
Followed by this beaut.
"Treaties like this make me want to barf. It's so irrelevant. Completely feel-good," he said.
War whore lover SHAWN POGATCHNIK, Associated Press Writer was on his knees getting this story.
I am not proud of my country but to expect anything less at this time is being naive.
We've been very slow to catch on to many of these things. Unless something's happened very recently, we still refuse to sign on to the land mine treaty. It took us two decades to sign the resolution against genocide - and even then only with the provision that it wouldn't apply to us. Read A Problem From Hell for a good description of that one.
ReplyDeleteYes, there are plenty of Americans who are probably "made sick" by such things. This week, though, they were obsessing about scarves. Hopefully, they'll find something else to do next week that will be equally useless.