He also said a great deal of progress had been made
If this fucker can think so can I. I think you should take your progress and shove it up your Chimp in Chief's ass and when you run outta room find the Dark One and run the rest up his.
No matter how many times you say shit like this it don't mean squat. There is no winning when you invade and occupy based on lies. Because five years have gone by doesn't give any of you shit bags an out no fucking way Jose. Along with whore media that allows you to continually spew this crap you mind fuck them as usual.
Get ready to duck and cover as this is only the beginning of a lead up to a probable strike on Iran. They want to do this so badly they get wood just thinking about it. Of course they do what ever they want as there is no one at home to fight for us. We are so screwed.
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