I drove past this between Salida and Cotopaxi on State Highway 50 in Colorado. I had to turn around and tell whoever that I stood with them totally assuming I was correct. I was and got the biggest hug of appreciation for doing so.

From my understanding, there are close to 3000 children being held around this country after being seized from their parents at the border.

Many will never see their Mom and Dad again because Republicans are totally evil.

You bastards!


Cut's In Defense My Ass

This means nothing and if anyone thinks that in 2015 this will happen chances are you will be WRONG!

To meet Defense Secretary Robert Gates’ objectives, the Army has identified $29 billion in savings over the next five years that will allow the service to preserve its force structure in the near term, according to defense officials. Starting in 2015, the Army will begin to reduce the size of its active-duty force by 27,000 troops. However, until then, it will be able to maintain a force larger than 547,000. Army Chief of Staff Gen. George Casey announced earlier in the day that the Army is about to finish growing its active-duty force by an additional 22,000 soldiers. The service plans to stay at that level, roughly 569,000 through the end of 2013. Then, the force would begin to come back down to 547,000, he said.

What can be said for a certainty is that 499 of our guys were killed last year and three so far this year.

Another thing that can be said for certain unlike the bull shit above that  means squat our guys will continue to get hammered for years because our county loves blood and guts and more importantly death when it's not our own it's happening to.

Coalition Military Fatalities By Year and Month



  1. Yeah, I wasn't impressed either w/that so-called budget cut. The amount of cash that went into that bullshit boggles my mind. The MIC (military industrial complex) will still be alive and well.

    Remember when a billion was a huge amount? Now a days its trillion.

  2. Yes Dusty-like the Alaskan Pipeline. Seven billion or so. It was one of the biggest expenditures this country ever made if I remember correctly.

    I have no hope these numbers will ever change. Only a total collapse of the economy here and around the world would force it.

    No way is guvment going to do it.

  3. Want to cut defense spending? Get the hell out of Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Want to pretend you are cutting defense spending? Talk about minor personnel cuts in five years from now.

  4. 29 billion is spare change to those fuckers.

  5. Yup Busted-life is good on the defense budget gravy train.
