I drove past this between Salida and Cotopaxi on State Highway 50 in Colorado. I had to turn around and tell whoever that I stood with them totally assuming I was correct. I was and got the biggest hug of appreciation for doing so.

From my understanding, there are close to 3000 children being held around this country after being seized from their parents at the border.

Many will never see their Mom and Dad again because Republicans are totally evil.

You bastards!


Joseph Smith Didn't Get Any On The Side!! WTF??

In the tone and style of Richard M. Nixon with Dan Aykroyd speaking-I am veerry sskeptical of this!

Historians and critics have struggled for more than a century to identify children Joseph Smith may have had through polygamous marriages in the 1840s.

DNA evidence shows he did not father several people. I have a hard time believing the leader of the pack that started the multiple wives practice that continues to this day wasn't getting some strange. No way.


  1. I have a tough time with that one too.

    Beautiful photo.

  2. So, Joseph wouldn't be the first man, Mormon or otherwise, who was married but closeted... Just a thought, and without judgment. Perchance, he fits that category?

  3. Girls in my experience asking Mormon kids who I've worked with maybe 3-4 when asked if polygamy is still being practiced amongst the rank and file the answer has always been yes.

    Maybe this man did not but the reality is that he probably did. I bet that horses patoot Hatch hides teenies somewhere handy.

    That was an easy picture to take Leslie as he was no more than two feet away and actually it's not that clear.

  4. I have a difficult time imagining him getting ANY...look at the guy...I wouldn't touch that- don't care what divine word told me to.
    There's a reason why polygamy always involves one husband and multiple wives. Having one of these husbands would be one too many. Their whole ground crew needs reassignment.

  5. I love the "no mercy" position!

  6. Smith has more progeny than Genghis Khan.
