I drove past this between Salida and Cotopaxi on State Highway 50 in Colorado. I had to turn around and tell whoever that I stood with them totally assuming I was correct. I was and got the biggest hug of appreciation for doing so.

From my understanding, there are close to 3000 children being held around this country after being seized from their parents at the border.

Many will never see their Mom and Dad again because Republicans are totally evil.

You bastards!


Edict From On High Delivered With Instructions

Crazy Catholic bishops voted to take this position on the health care bill bringing the dark ages stance on abortion into the foto.

This shit is supposed to be read from the pulpit during every mass in every church this weekend or some damn thing like that.

The bald headed chicken fucker you see here is the one who put the stamps on this and sent her out.

If only there were enough balls to enforce existing law so groups like this had to shut the fuck up like it's supposed to be.

There are reasons for that and it's obvious why they're needed.

jeebus christ anyway!


  1. I saw an extended discussion on this 2 days ago. What the bishops are trying to do is make the Hyde Amendment larger in its scope. Yes, this is an end run by the Church to inflict their dogma even deeper into women's lives of all faiths and non-believers, too. This is just another example of the " bullshit" that is passing for thoughtful, meaningful dialogue in the run-up to passing a badly managed Health Care bill. Obama has known this for months and will not pledge to fight for the "robust" form of the Public Option for this and other reasons. Americans will get less, pay more or be fined, have no more options than they do now and enrich the Private Insurance Companies. The current House legislation will only be further watered down by conference negotiations so expect to get more of this crap rubbed into your face. Pelosi lied to Kucinich and Weiner about floor votes on better and less expensive legislation. I have been so pissed for the last 48 hours by so-called Progressives and their cave-ins to the Corporate Death Machine: aka, Private Insurance Companies. As if we needed another glaring example of " Socialism for the rich, Free Enterprise for the poor and middle class", we got it this week in spades by the Majority Party. Why do we even bother to vote: let's just have the Corporitocracy tell us what they intend to make us do.

  2. The Catholic Church is probably registered as tax-exempt and there are responsibilities that go with that exemption, keep out of politics, or pay taxes like a regular mega-corporation.

  3. They're so moral over this issue and sweep pedophilia under the rug. Bastards at the top.

  4. as citizen's whose taxes support this government can't we force "our guys" to do something about this crap?

  5. I drive my 83 year old mother to church every Sunday and attend mass because it is more convenient to stay with her and sit through the mass than come home and go back and get her. The one thing I've noticed is that there is a declining attendance. Many of the people I grew up with attending Catholic school and going to church every Sunday are not there and can remember back to when the church was 3/4 full on Sunday as it is now 1/4 full and I do not see only 4 or 5 if my Catholic schoolmates in attendance. The whole mass thing is boring and serves no purpose for me personally but just don't need the aggravation of explaining to my mother why I don't see it as useful.

    As to the sex thing with the priests. They are for the most part good people and in any group you'll have some bas apples but to deny what is happening is no different than what the other religions do to keep the bad press to a minimum and keep the cash and people's trust flowing.

    At least I'm honest with, "ME".

  6. Ahhhh, the stupidity of the Catholic Church never ceases to amaze me.

  7. When Mexico had their revolution, the first thing the revolutionaries did was tell the Catholic Church, "you butt into politics again, we're gonna seize your properties." And when the Church did -- guess what?

    Maybe time to have some revolution here too, meow!

  8. We need changes in several critical area and we're not getting it nor are we going to anytime soon.
