"There's incredible potential in China and the whole Pacific Rim," Weber said. "But consumers in those countries seem to want a pork product that is juicier than most of what we produce in the U.S."
There are about 2500 pigs in each of these building in the picture below. The article above is actually pretty good and one of the things brought out is that these producers do not want to return to the old days.
My point is that much has been lost in the mass production of these animals and I've bitched for years there's no taste in this perfect looking meat the same with the vegetables offered in our stores.

This can be done better and it really can. Pork is the main meat Asians use and as a guy whose wok is 30 years old and lo-mein the dish of choice I use a lot of pork not just with that kind of cooking but on the grill as well. More times than not I am disappointed in the results because of the meat. Using more chicken now and just do not eat much beef.
We've lost in the commercialism of the food industry as you know. And I agree we can't go back to the days where meat from butchered hogs was stored in huge crocks covered in lard.
Just like most everything else we won't get this either. So have plenty of liquids around so you can swallow this dry shit and seasoning as well to give some flavor.