There are about 13,000 applications for the purchase of new guns waiting to be approved here in Colorado and this is just one market.
There is a wait time and the CBI is asking the state legislature for 500K so people don't have to wait as long for their new assault weapons.
Give me a break.
As of 7 p.m., Saturday, CBI listed 12,797 checks in queue with a wait time of seven days. CBI listed 1,643 checks as processed on Saturday. The CBI has asked lawmakers for $500,000 to help handle the backlog.
I drove past this between Salida and Cotopaxi on State Highway 50 in Colorado. I had to turn around and tell whoever that I stood with them totally assuming I was correct. I was and got the biggest hug of appreciation for doing so.
From my understanding, there are close to 3000 children being held around this country after being seized from their parents at the border.
Many will never see their Mom and Dad again because Republicans are totally evil.
You bastards!
Here's A Very Worthwhile Cause
Slipped right on over and signed this bad boy - you betcha!
"Legally recognize Westboro Baptist Church as a hate group"
White House link to sign here.
"Legally recognize Westboro Baptist Church as a hate group"
White House link to sign here.
Mississippi River Update
It's not looking good and barges are and have been running at 50% capacity.
You Brown Bastards Aren't Gonna Drive In This Cornfield
Just because the state of Iowa voted for bama does not mean they like him or his policies.
Two Iowa Republicans, U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley and U.S. Rep. Steve King, have each blasted Obama’s program as a serious overreach of executive authority.
Immigrant advocates are criticizing Thursday’s decision by the Iowa Department of Transportation to deny driver’s licenses to young people whom President Barack Obama’s administration has allowed to stay and work in this country.
“Oh, my gosh! I already have it,” he said. “I hope they don't take it from me. I need it to go to my job, and to do stuff for my family.”
Why? It's simple ya see - “The Iowa DOT understands the exercising of this prosecutorial discretion by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security does not grant lawful status or a lawful immigration path to persons granted Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals status,” DOT officials said in a statement. “Rather, it is prosecutorial discretion extended in a blanket fashion to persons who are not lawfully authorized to be present in the United States.”
Nothing but a bunch of mean, vindictive bigoted sonsofbitches who love their god soooo much and who go out of their way to fuck with those not like them given a bit of help from a black man they despise even more.
Two Iowa Republicans, U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley and U.S. Rep. Steve King, have each blasted Obama’s program as a serious overreach of executive authority.
Immigrant advocates are criticizing Thursday’s decision by the Iowa Department of Transportation to deny driver’s licenses to young people whom President Barack Obama’s administration has allowed to stay and work in this country.
“Oh, my gosh! I already have it,” he said. “I hope they don't take it from me. I need it to go to my job, and to do stuff for my family.”
Why? It's simple ya see - “The Iowa DOT understands the exercising of this prosecutorial discretion by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security does not grant lawful status or a lawful immigration path to persons granted Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals status,” DOT officials said in a statement. “Rather, it is prosecutorial discretion extended in a blanket fashion to persons who are not lawfully authorized to be present in the United States.”
Nothing but a bunch of mean, vindictive bigoted sonsofbitches who love their god soooo much and who go out of their way to fuck with those not like them given a bit of help from a black man they despise even more.
It Plays In Utah And The Rest Of The Red States
What a piece of work this guy is whining and crying that politicians should not be denied being able to become lobbyists for two years after leaving office.
Why?? Well because former senator Bobby(I am me and you are not so I should be treated differently) Bennett says this and other dumb ass crap.
Bennett said pro athletes can retire and immediately become commentators and coaches. He said U.S. attorneys can leave their jobs and join a firm defending people against prosecutors they used to work with. He said politicians should be able to become lobbyists immediately upon leaving office.
You senile old bastard. Just stay in Utah and bounce your inbred numerous grandbrats on your bony ass knee and we'd all be better served! This is not news.
Why?? Well because former senator Bobby(I am me and you are not so I should be treated differently) Bennett says this and other dumb ass crap.
Bennett said pro athletes can retire and immediately become commentators and coaches. He said U.S. attorneys can leave their jobs and join a firm defending people against prosecutors they used to work with. He said politicians should be able to become lobbyists immediately upon leaving office.
You senile old bastard. Just stay in Utah and bounce your inbred numerous grandbrats on your bony ass knee and we'd all be better served! This is not news.
the picked on
Some Of The Aftermath
Locally -
An autopsy will be done today on a man who was shot and killed by Pueblo police on Christmas morning after he reportedly fired a handgun at officers who were summoned to a domestic disturbance
Then this well known winner and hero to many -
Baseball star Andruw Jones has been arrested for allegedly beating his wife on Christmas morning.
Nothing new here and of course it's all over the country. Happens every year on the BDay of the big guy's miracle baby boy. I understand it's all part of the "plan" and for sure you have to wanna believe the "strange ways" the forces of good work no matter how many are dead or get the holy shit beat out of them on the "holiest of holy days" ya see!
An autopsy will be done today on a man who was shot and killed by Pueblo police on Christmas morning after he reportedly fired a handgun at officers who were summoned to a domestic disturbance
Then this well known winner and hero to many -
Baseball star Andruw Jones has been arrested for allegedly beating his wife on Christmas morning.
Nothing new here and of course it's all over the country. Happens every year on the BDay of the big guy's miracle baby boy. I understand it's all part of the "plan" and for sure you have to wanna believe the "strange ways" the forces of good work no matter how many are dead or get the holy shit beat out of them on the "holiest of holy days" ya see!
religious nonsense
It's not that one but this -
CHINO - A large fight broke out between dozens of parents Saturday at a Jr. All American football game at Ayala Park and officers donned riot helmets to deal with the combatants."We only had our helmets on for our protection because when you get a call of a fight between two and three hundred people, you want to be protected," said police Sgt. Frank Mena.No one was seriously injured during the fisticuffs, and most of the battling parents ran off as officers made their way into the park, Mena said.
Aside from the fact it was a kids game that the adults present and there were a lot of them could not control their anger over a stupid ass competition that means little really. Then everyone runs like rats when the sirens wailed I'm sure was the scenario.
Not meant to be funny but I'm glad no one pulled out guns. I'd pay to know how many were packing. Probably very few. So they say more guns is the answer.
I don't think so. Never did and won't.
CHINO - A large fight broke out between dozens of parents Saturday at a Jr. All American football game at Ayala Park and officers donned riot helmets to deal with the combatants."We only had our helmets on for our protection because when you get a call of a fight between two and three hundred people, you want to be protected," said police Sgt. Frank Mena.No one was seriously injured during the fisticuffs, and most of the battling parents ran off as officers made their way into the park, Mena said.
Aside from the fact it was a kids game that the adults present and there were a lot of them could not control their anger over a stupid ass competition that means little really. Then everyone runs like rats when the sirens wailed I'm sure was the scenario.
Not meant to be funny but I'm glad no one pulled out guns. I'd pay to know how many were packing. Probably very few. So they say more guns is the answer.
I don't think so. Never did and won't.
dumb shits
62 Miles And 61 Degrees
At the CDOT weather station not far away on I25 it's a balmy 40* compared to what it's like 62 miles as the crow flies at Alamosa in the San Luis Valley at -21*. It's been brutally cold there but and it's just that way life is in that valley. Those are some tough souls who chose to live there past and present.
Click on picture to make HUGE.
Click on picture to make HUGE.
Benny Releases His Butler But Questions Remain
Benny RatsenFuhrer pardons his butler Paolo for releasing papers concerning the private parts of their Holey Sea. Pissed plenty off and the the Vatican pulice arrested Paolo,tried him and found him quilty and sentenced him to 18 long dark months in the Vatican slammer underneath the catacombs. Benny and his boys can do that and more inside the walls of their own little special world. Many on the outside wonder what the going rate is for other indiscretions inside those walls.
Like -
Getting caught praying with a boy without the robes.
Like -
Getting caught hearing a different kind of confession with robes on.
Is getting caught doing the nasty with a female (without a robe) considered the worst crime??
Stuff like that. I assume the reality is all this like the rest of their mumbo jumbo will remain a mystery because that's the way it works ya see.
Like -
Getting caught praying with a boy without the robes.
Like -
Getting caught hearing a different kind of confession with robes on.
Is getting caught doing the nasty with a female (without a robe) considered the worst crime??
Stuff like that. I assume the reality is all this like the rest of their mumbo jumbo will remain a mystery because that's the way it works ya see.
Mumbo Jumbo
Dog Killing Cop Charged
In follow up to this post it's nice to see some accountability for what this asshole did.
The Adams County district attorney is still investigating the incident but said Thursday one of the officers involved in the shooting of 3-year-old Chloe, a large mixed-breed dog, will be charged with one felony count of aggravated cruelty to animals.
Now if we could only made some headway into how they treat humans as well!
The Adams County district attorney is still investigating the incident but said Thursday one of the officers involved in the shooting of 3-year-old Chloe, a large mixed-breed dog, will be charged with one felony count of aggravated cruelty to animals.
Now if we could only made some headway into how they treat humans as well!
bad cops
The Goosinator A Hell Of A Good Idea
Gooses never used to stick around in Denver and the front range and it used to snow as well. Both have changed and with the amount of parks there are and many more golf courses as well it has become goose haven year round. And it has been and still is a huge negative.
City fathers stay away from this for the most part because of the bitchers and golf courses battles these birds in their own ways that work for them and at times can get away with.
I like this idea a bunch and just the thought of not having to deal with massive amounts of goose crap in some areas whether you're with the family,golfing,trying to mow goose droppings or what have you is a huge positive.
Ya mon!
But Denver Parks and Recreation managers' faces lit up when the Goosinator, a roaring, orange robot predator with crazed yellow eyes, chased the birds from City Park on Thursday.
City fathers stay away from this for the most part because of the bitchers and golf courses battles these birds in their own ways that work for them and at times can get away with.
I like this idea a bunch and just the thought of not having to deal with massive amounts of goose crap in some areas whether you're with the family,golfing,trying to mow goose droppings or what have you is a huge positive.
Ya mon!
But Denver Parks and Recreation managers' faces lit up when the Goosinator, a roaring, orange robot predator with crazed yellow eyes, chased the birds from City Park on Thursday.
good things
A Good Story
Had gone to find the story of this woman's firing but see she got here job back. Good on everyone.
A happy ending to the story of a cafeteria worker who lost her job after sneaking lunches to a needy child at Hudson Elementary in Webster Groves.
A happy ending to the story of a cafeteria worker who lost her job after sneaking lunches to a needy child at Hudson Elementary in Webster Groves.
When They Talk Like This You Know What's Coming
The President said today-
"In order to arrive at a compromise I am prepared to do some very tough things that some Democrats don't want to see and probably a few Republicans don't want to see either."
Simply it's called a screwing. Not here yet but it was never going to be any other way. When proven wrong will say so. Watch it happen. We should not have to give a damn thing.
"In order to arrive at a compromise I am prepared to do some very tough things that some Democrats don't want to see and probably a few Republicans don't want to see either."
Simply it's called a screwing. Not here yet but it was never going to be any other way. When proven wrong will say so. Watch it happen. We should not have to give a damn thing.
The Wild Bunch
Back in '69 a western movie called the The Wild Bunch. What stood out and remembered to this day was it was the first time being shot was made to look realistic. By the standards of today this was like Mr. Rogers Neighborhood.
We've never looked back. I like this movie but not because of the violence. That's what people talked about after seeing it - was the realism for the time.
There's little if any of that in this clip. We are obsessed with violence and the tool for dealing with issues here is guns.
After all it's just business ya know.
We've never looked back. I like this movie but not because of the violence. That's what people talked about after seeing it - was the realism for the time.
There's little if any of that in this clip. We are obsessed with violence and the tool for dealing with issues here is guns.
After all it's just business ya know.
Read It And Be Prepared To Weep Some More
And this is in just the state of Colorado!
This weekend set a record for all single-day background check submittals in Colorado for potential gun purchases
Assault-style rifles were the most popular gun over the weekend/multiple customers were examining rifles like the model police say was used in the shootings at an Aurora theater and on Friday in Connecticut.
For me to think that there will be any significant positive changes in this country's gun culture/mentality and the results from that would be more than being simply naive. You can hope yes but damage done and getting worse. How that sucks to say that!
This weekend set a record for all single-day background check submittals in Colorado for potential gun purchases
Assault-style rifles were the most popular gun over the weekend/multiple customers were examining rifles like the model police say was used in the shootings at an Aurora theater and on Friday in Connecticut.
For me to think that there will be any significant positive changes in this country's gun culture/mentality and the results from that would be more than being simply naive. You can hope yes but damage done and getting worse. How that sucks to say that!
it sucks to say this
The Invisible 18%
That means 56 the 18% represents out of the 306 of ours killed this year in Afghannystan that died by non-hostile means. I guess that's fine for those in charge and the rest of Merica too because they aren't mentioned let alone the other 250.
And the Afghanistan Xmas lotto is just around the corner.
And the Afghanistan Xmas lotto is just around the corner.
If Westboro Baptist Shows Up
It would be my hope even as a pacifist that there be some major ass kicking going on all the way out of the county the state of Connecticut and back to the inbred shit hole they came from in Kansass.
A member from the Westboro Baptist Church, an unaffiliated religious group that self-identifies as a church, said on Saturday the group will picket the school in a so-called praise service
A member from the Westboro Baptist Church, an unaffiliated religious group that self-identifies as a church, said on Saturday the group will picket the school in a so-called praise service
Again Scrambling For The Answer - It's Right Here
Has our nation ever grieved for all the others? Of course not - never have and probably never will. I'm speaking of innocents killed by our country with seldom a mention or a consideration other than a payoff. You know the terms we use for them and our reasons why they have no choice in the matter of us killing them.
The gun and religious loons begin frothing at the mouth demanding their ways are to the only way to get our nations internal killing machine back on track. They lay the blame on you and I for not wanting to go along with their "way".
When America understands that the horror others feel when their innocents are killed and particularly children by we/us/our government and with our very own dollars is identical to what we feel today and begin to say no - then and only then will this killer country we all own begin to change.
The gun and religious loons begin frothing at the mouth demanding their ways are to the only way to get our nations internal killing machine back on track. They lay the blame on you and I for not wanting to go along with their "way".
When America understands that the horror others feel when their innocents are killed and particularly children by we/us/our government and with our very own dollars is identical to what we feel today and begin to say no - then and only then will this killer country we all own begin to change.
sick society
On Real Losers
I must be feeling better and I am! Items I glance at on the internets are annoying to me once more and that's not necessarily a good thing but a positive change in health status has occurred. YAY!!
J. Kerry can kiss my you know what. He is in no way a brain rattled John McCain and the specifics of the why with Kerry should not be needed for anyone who has a bit of a clue other than - - -
The way this man ran his campaign in '04 by not fighting back immediately when attacked with lies and then caving as well thus handing the presidency over to the likes of the bushes and the Cheney's is unforgivable given the results.
This man is not a friend of ours and when the current prez pulls the same shit for instance by apparently putting on the table part of the prize the 1% so dearly wants, that is the lessening our Medicare benefits - he is no friend either!
A huge NO to his becoming SOS.
J. Kerry can kiss my you know what. He is in no way a brain rattled John McCain and the specifics of the why with Kerry should not be needed for anyone who has a bit of a clue other than - - -
The way this man ran his campaign in '04 by not fighting back immediately when attacked with lies and then caving as well thus handing the presidency over to the likes of the bushes and the Cheney's is unforgivable given the results.
This man is not a friend of ours and when the current prez pulls the same shit for instance by apparently putting on the table part of the prize the 1% so dearly wants, that is the lessening our Medicare benefits - he is no friend either!
A huge NO to his becoming SOS.
I call bull shit
How I Wish A Current President Would Say The Same
Former President Carter said this in Russia.
“I personally think we do more harm than good by having our drones attack some potential terrorists who have not been tried or proven that they are guilty,” Carter said in an interview with Russia Today.
I like this man - always have. Surely he will be hammered on for being a "bad president".
Later next year he and his wife will be visiting Denver. I am sure most of his detractors will not be present.
Former President Jimmy Carter and his wife, Rosalynn, will visit Denver next year to help build 11 new townhomes and repair up to 15 existing homes in the Globeville neighborhood in north Denver, Habitat for Humanity of Metro Denver announced recently.
“I personally think we do more harm than good by having our drones attack some potential terrorists who have not been tried or proven that they are guilty,” Carter said in an interview with Russia Today.
I like this man - always have. Surely he will be hammered on for being a "bad president".
Later next year he and his wife will be visiting Denver. I am sure most of his detractors will not be present.
Former President Jimmy Carter and his wife, Rosalynn, will visit Denver next year to help build 11 new townhomes and repair up to 15 existing homes in the Globeville neighborhood in north Denver, Habitat for Humanity of Metro Denver announced recently.
River Barge Traffic On The Not So Mighty Miss
They say by the 10th of this month levels will be too low between St. Louis and Cairo (pronounced KA-RO) for barge traffic. The dynamics of this are massive in what is shipped and what the results will be if they can't be.
ST. LOUIS, MO (KPLR) – This week’s edition of The Pulse of St. Louis takes a closer look at the dangerously low water levels on the Mississippi River. If water levels continue to drop, due to record setting drought, barges that transport coal, steel, corn, grain, and other products could come to a halt.
This is actually a very good piece and includes four different discussion videos. The Coast Guard fellow isn't very good but it's the others you learn from. I put the last short video up because it's the Army Corps of Engineers spokesman who tells it like it really is. In that they expect there not to be enough moisture anytime soon and possibly including next year as well.
Seems real certain barge traffic will cease very soon on this stretch of the Mississippi. The only thing mighty about this is just how negative it is.
ST. LOUIS, MO (KPLR) – This week’s edition of The Pulse of St. Louis takes a closer look at the dangerously low water levels on the Mississippi River. If water levels continue to drop, due to record setting drought, barges that transport coal, steel, corn, grain, and other products could come to a halt.
This is actually a very good piece and includes four different discussion videos. The Coast Guard fellow isn't very good but it's the others you learn from. I put the last short video up because it's the Army Corps of Engineers spokesman who tells it like it really is. In that they expect there not to be enough moisture anytime soon and possibly including next year as well.
Seems real certain barge traffic will cease very soon on this stretch of the Mississippi. The only thing mighty about this is just how negative it is.
Five "Hunters" Bagged As Well
Stay outta the cornfield this time of year. This is more than last year I believe and in one day too. You ever see anyone missing toes - - well.
Update: It was three last year just about the same time.
Five people were shot while deer hunting Sunday in separate incident
From a DNR officer -
“I would strongly urge hunters to reconsider hunting in these conditions with such dense fog,” said Allen Crouse, recreational safety officer for the DNR. “It just isn’t safe.”
No shit Cisco - if you can't see don't shoot. It's pretty simple actually.
Update: It was three last year just about the same time.
Five people were shot while deer hunting Sunday in separate incident
From a DNR officer -
“I would strongly urge hunters to reconsider hunting in these conditions with such dense fog,” said Allen Crouse, recreational safety officer for the DNR. “It just isn’t safe.”
No shit Cisco - if you can't see don't shoot. It's pretty simple actually.
in the wrong place
The Pentagon Is In Charge
When there is an entity as large as the Pentagon with vast resources and limitless funds PLUS all the BIG guns who can apparently do this and just about whatever else they want with no oversight or discussion - - - - then they are in charge.
Just like the oceans level rising so is the pile we all stand in.
The Pentagon has embarked on an ambitious plan to establish an overseas espionage network which is expected to incorporate a colossal structure of operatives as big as the CIA, a report says.
Another one -
Unlike the CIA, the Pentagon’s spy agency is not authorized to conduct covert operations that go beyond intelligence gathering, such as drone strikes, political sabotage or arming militants.
"Not authorized"?? Bull shit. They'll do whatever the hell they want.
Just like the oceans level rising so is the pile we all stand in.
The Pentagon has embarked on an ambitious plan to establish an overseas espionage network which is expected to incorporate a colossal structure of operatives as big as the CIA, a report says.
Another one -
Unlike the CIA, the Pentagon’s spy agency is not authorized to conduct covert operations that go beyond intelligence gathering, such as drone strikes, political sabotage or arming militants.
"Not authorized"?? Bull shit. They'll do whatever the hell they want.
God Himself Explains SS Has "Absolutely Nothing To Do With The Deficit"
This needs to be spread around. Any Dim who speaks of cuts to Social Security and the other two biggies need to be neutered or more. They are not on our side.
We pay into these programs through our working career so it's available to us when we get older. Yes the employer chips in as well. That's how it works and works pretty damn good too.
Every elected person who calls them self a democrat should be screaming this 24/7.
We pay into these programs through our working career so it's available to us when we get older. Yes the employer chips in as well. That's how it works and works pretty damn good too.
Every elected person who calls them self a democrat should be screaming this 24/7.
We're Leaving
At the end of 2014 that is. This is not leaving. Until that happens if it does we are still there and the number of our dead for nothing continues daily.
From iCasualties
From iCasualties
Year | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Total |
2001 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 5 | 4 | 12 |
2002 | 10 | 12 | 9 | 5 | 1 | 3 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 1 | 1 | 49 |
2003 | 4 | 7 | 12 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 1 | 48 |
2004 | 9 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 8 | 5 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 7 | 1 | 52 |
2005 | 2 | 1 | 6 | 18 | 4 | 27 | 2 | 15 | 11 | 7 | 3 | 3 | 99 |
2006 | 1 | 17 | 7 | 1 | 11 | 18 | 9 | 10 | 6 | 10 | 7 | 1 | 98 |
2007 | 0 | 14 | 5 | 8 | 11 | 12 | 14 | 18 | 8 | 10 | 11 | 6 | 117 |
2008 | 7 | 1 | 8 | 5 | 17 | 28 | 20 | 22 | 27 | 16 | 1 | 3 | 155 |
2009 | 15 | 15 | 13 | 6 | 12 | 25 | 45 | 51 | 40 | 59 | 18 | 18 | 317 |
2010 | 30 | 31 | 26 | 20 | 34 | 60 | 65 | 55 | 42 | 50 | 53 | 33 | 499 |
2011 | 25 | 20 | 31 | 46 | 35 | 47 | 37 | 71 | 42 | 31 | 18 | 15 | 418 |
2012 | 26 | 16 | 18 | 35 | 40 | 29 | 41 | 39 | 19 | 18 | 16 | 0 | 297 |
Deny All You Want
These observations I find to be the most dramatic and disturbing than ever before.
"In Greenland, the melt was so severe that it took away the very instruments we used to measure the ice sheet," Scambos added. "Many instruments were melted out and toppled over because melt proceeded to a level we have never seen before."
"Climate change is taking place before our eyes and will continue to do so as a result of the concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which ... again reached new records."
The polar ice sheets of Antarctica and Greenland are now melting three times faster than in the 1990s, according to a study released Thursday and co-authored by a Boulder scientist.
We can't get this back. It's just too late and we can't even have an intelligent conversation about this issue.
"In Greenland, the melt was so severe that it took away the very instruments we used to measure the ice sheet," Scambos added. "Many instruments were melted out and toppled over because melt proceeded to a level we have never seen before."
"Climate change is taking place before our eyes and will continue to do so as a result of the concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which ... again reached new records."
The polar ice sheets of Antarctica and Greenland are now melting three times faster than in the 1990s, according to a study released Thursday and co-authored by a Boulder scientist.
We can't get this back. It's just too late and we can't even have an intelligent conversation about this issue.
Used To Be
The Hueferno River lies 3/4 of a mile away. There is no canyon like this there. This is six miles north.
Running water made this and walking along the rim you will occasionally see a bit of dampness or a small pool. There is a trickle a mile or so to the south of here and the width is much much smaller than here.
The canyon pictures above were taken at the tree line. It used to be windmills such as this one for pumping water were found quite often. Not so much anymore as like the river itself water is very scarce here. Many people have to haul theirs.
If you click on the picture above twice and look closely on the horizon we're pumping something other these days. These went up very quickly.
Running water made this and walking along the rim you will occasionally see a bit of dampness or a small pool. There is a trickle a mile or so to the south of here and the width is much much smaller than here.
The canyon pictures above were taken at the tree line. It used to be windmills such as this one for pumping water were found quite often. Not so much anymore as like the river itself water is very scarce here. Many people have to haul theirs.
If you click on the picture above twice and look closely on the horizon we're pumping something other these days. These went up very quickly.
wind power
Cenk Telling It Like It Is
I don't see this man often but he's a fighter and a realist. He is exactly right and I admire his passion. Few call these fundamentalists out for their bull shit ideas based on squat that make it constantly into the mainstream.
Problem is they're getting in done in state legislatures across the country. No one opens their pie hole on this because the nonexistent sky creature is involved and the supporters of this bull fuckery will be offended. Then media whores will scream along with elected officials how religion is being attacked and if the realists are not stopped our society could end.
Religious nonsense must not be denied. After all America can do it better than any of those other guys over there ya see.
Problem is they're getting in done in state legislatures across the country. No one opens their pie hole on this because the nonexistent sky creature is involved and the supporters of this bull fuckery will be offended. Then media whores will scream along with elected officials how religion is being attacked and if the realists are not stopped our society could end.
Religious nonsense must not be denied. After all America can do it better than any of those other guys over there ya see.
Religious crazys
Killer Rat Bastard Cops Who Shoot Dogs For Fun
Anyone who views this should be outraged and every badge in attendance should pay dearly for what they did. They could have shut the door and walked away from the dog that was sitting there for many minutes showing no aggression.
So they taze him twice - the pooch tries to escape and they shoot it at least four times.
Of course they lied their killer asses off and said the dog was aggressive.
This is bad enough but there is a much larger problem in that these human pieces of shit who have a license to kill at will do the same to humans. LINK
So they taze him twice - the pooch tries to escape and they shoot it at least four times.
Of course they lied their killer asses off and said the dog was aggressive.
This is bad enough but there is a much larger problem in that these human pieces of shit who have a license to kill at will do the same to humans. LINK
bad cops,
human pieces of shit,
Sick bastards,
sick sick shit
Lucy Has A Book Out
It sounds like a real good one too. Lucy captured the attention of a lot of people including me. This story turned out good and now is even better. The kiddies are going to love this and some others too.
Lucy the Tortoise -- the reptile that was on the lam in Boulder County back in 2010, ending up at a feed store in Lafayette before reuniting with her owners -- is the inspiration for a new children's book titled "Lucy the Tortoise: My Big Adventure." After she went missing, she sniffed her way back to her Westminster home, where a mover found her before her owners did. He took her to Lafayette and dropped her off in a lake.
Lucy the Tortoise -- the reptile that was on the lam in Boulder County back in 2010, ending up at a feed store in Lafayette before reuniting with her owners -- is the inspiration for a new children's book titled "Lucy the Tortoise: My Big Adventure." After she went missing, she sniffed her way back to her Westminster home, where a mover found her before her owners did. He took her to Lafayette and dropped her off in a lake.
good things
Happy Turkey Day
I am happy and thankful for a number of reasons on this day as I'm sure all of you are and more than likely for many of the same reasons.
We have more than what 90% of the world's population has and that includes many of the "poor" here as well.
Will enjoy another simple day of life with some friends and a bird. May your day be enjoyable and a mention of thankfulness to people met on the internets who have become friends. That is cool!
On another matter here take a look into this bird's eye. He's a meanie and some of these fellows are outta control and raising hell running in gangs and just generally stirring up trouble. They need to be on a plate probably.
Complaints to police about the aggressive and threatening nature of wild turkeys in Brookline, Massachusetts, have doubled over the last month. Residents of the town have had enough of being chased, harried and physically attacked by the birds, which can grow to 20 pounds and 4 feet tall.
We have more than what 90% of the world's population has and that includes many of the "poor" here as well.
Will enjoy another simple day of life with some friends and a bird. May your day be enjoyable and a mention of thankfulness to people met on the internets who have become friends. That is cool!
On another matter here take a look into this bird's eye. He's a meanie and some of these fellows are outta control and raising hell running in gangs and just generally stirring up trouble. They need to be on a plate probably.
Complaints to police about the aggressive and threatening nature of wild turkeys in Brookline, Massachusetts, have doubled over the last month. Residents of the town have had enough of being chased, harried and physically attacked by the birds, which can grow to 20 pounds and 4 feet tall.
On With The Program
The program of life I guess. Thought I had a clue but not so sure now. The right decision was made to return but feel a tug to return to Costa Rica. Maybe but doubt it.
Many would have had a bevy of doctors and many tests done. Need to go with what I brought and say that I believe in chiropractics as again it has helped me and will and can afford a few treatments. For a year and then some was holding a strong hand but not so much now.
Seeing some things lately that need to be talked about a bit just because. Maybe that will help out too. Basically I'm pretty good but not quite right. Maybe never was and just didn't know it.
Many would have had a bevy of doctors and many tests done. Need to go with what I brought and say that I believe in chiropractics as again it has helped me and will and can afford a few treatments. For a year and then some was holding a strong hand but not so much now.
Seeing some things lately that need to be talked about a bit just because. Maybe that will help out too. Basically I'm pretty good but not quite right. Maybe never was and just didn't know it.
Costa Rica
This Morning
In a few minutes I leave for the airport to return to the states. It is because of a unexpected medical situation that arose.
I am and will be fine but when something like this occurs the ultra conservative side of me comes out very quickly and choose to return to where my comfort zone is.
Hardly a regret but disappointed sure. I accomplished the major goals I had - one of them for years. It's just that it wasn't for very long.
This trip I knew was going to assist in determining what direction the next years were going to take for me and that has been determined as well. That was very important in itself.
So it's a good day and I'm looking forward to returning home to pound on Stretch after consulting and treatment from a life long friend who is one of the best chiropractors in Colorado.
May this find you all well.
I am and will be fine but when something like this occurs the ultra conservative side of me comes out very quickly and choose to return to where my comfort zone is.
Hardly a regret but disappointed sure. I accomplished the major goals I had - one of them for years. It's just that it wasn't for very long.
This trip I knew was going to assist in determining what direction the next years were going to take for me and that has been determined as well. That was very important in itself.
So it's a good day and I'm looking forward to returning home to pound on Stretch after consulting and treatment from a life long friend who is one of the best chiropractors in Colorado.
May this find you all well.
Costa Rica
He's Wrong
Happy I don't know jack shit and that we have staved off the hard core crazy's for awhile longer again. In the big scheme of things not much has changed as you know. Will this make DC work better? You would think possibly the Right would understand we need some good legislation but looking at the % points for Obama in the red states no way do these states want the people they put in office helping this man. May I not know jack shit again.
On the good side my state Colorado and Washington legalized da pot. The feds will fight back assuredly and municipalities will do as much as they can to negate this vote but no matter what this is HUGE.
To me it seems with these wins we have reached the crest of the hill and are on our way albeit still a very long one to the end of prohibition against marijuana.
It's a better day in America and I'm proud to say I live in a state that made this choice and like the state just to the south of me - New Mexico that they (to be fair it was not me) chose light over darkness with Obama!
On the good side my state Colorado and Washington legalized da pot. The feds will fight back assuredly and municipalities will do as much as they can to negate this vote but no matter what this is HUGE.
To me it seems with these wins we have reached the crest of the hill and are on our way albeit still a very long one to the end of prohibition against marijuana.
It's a better day in America and I'm proud to say I live in a state that made this choice and like the state just to the south of me - New Mexico that they (to be fair it was not me) chose light over darkness with Obama!
The Big Day Has Arrived
Am not making light of this not even a bit. Our media has become many things and one of them is bull shit speculators.
Will this?
What if?
Can that? On and on.
That kind of rhetoric in written articles dominates more than actual facts and the reporting of the real issues. It's a huge negative.
I try my best not to enter that arena and will offer up what I said close to a year ago I'm sure in respect to today's election and may I miss this by several miles.
That was - when it's over the House and Senate will be in the hands of the Repuglicans. It was also said that the presidency wasn't all that important to them because they got much of what they wanted from Obama anyway. Now they have a legitimate chance to grab that as well. Should not even be close but thank the media for that and the idiots that listen to the lies and hidden racist innuendos.
I also said I was not going to vote for Obama and I did not. I voted for Jill Stein and I am a registered Green.
In the past I and others who take that position become the target of people from the left in that by not supporting a candidate they do we then become the reason the Left has so much difficulty defeating the likes of these intolerable zombie like bastards on the other side. Those people who are supposedly on the same side as myself can kiss my ass.
I refuse to explain my vote for president and will end by saying later today I fully expect anything to happen.
These people who wish for ultimate power will do anything to win. To accomplish their goal they lie - cheat and steal. If that doesn't work they will kill you and that's a fact.
I am hoping for the best because if it becomes something other it may very well be the beginning of the darkest days in this country. Much worse even than those 2920 days of the evil bush killers.
That sucks to say this and may I have to admit tomorrow or whenever it's over that I don't know jack shit.
Will this?
What if?
Can that? On and on.
That kind of rhetoric in written articles dominates more than actual facts and the reporting of the real issues. It's a huge negative.
I try my best not to enter that arena and will offer up what I said close to a year ago I'm sure in respect to today's election and may I miss this by several miles.
That was - when it's over the House and Senate will be in the hands of the Repuglicans. It was also said that the presidency wasn't all that important to them because they got much of what they wanted from Obama anyway. Now they have a legitimate chance to grab that as well. Should not even be close but thank the media for that and the idiots that listen to the lies and hidden racist innuendos.
I also said I was not going to vote for Obama and I did not. I voted for Jill Stein and I am a registered Green.
In the past I and others who take that position become the target of people from the left in that by not supporting a candidate they do we then become the reason the Left has so much difficulty defeating the likes of these intolerable zombie like bastards on the other side. Those people who are supposedly on the same side as myself can kiss my ass.
I refuse to explain my vote for president and will end by saying later today I fully expect anything to happen.
These people who wish for ultimate power will do anything to win. To accomplish their goal they lie - cheat and steal. If that doesn't work they will kill you and that's a fact.
I am hoping for the best because if it becomes something other it may very well be the beginning of the darkest days in this country. Much worse even than those 2920 days of the evil bush killers.
That sucks to say this and may I have to admit tomorrow or whenever it's over that I don't know jack shit.
I Did Arrive
I did arrive like planned and just want to say to those who stop by that there are a couple posts with pictures over at the picture place.
There was a change from where I was supposed to stay but it's just fine. The downside is it's too far to walk to town. Just being here negates much of that.
Like I read - it's just beautiful. People are friendly and helpful. I have learned much in the three days I've been here.
A picture from when I first arrived. This is in San Isidro Perez Zeledon.
Where we eat.
Later OF.
There was a change from where I was supposed to stay but it's just fine. The downside is it's too far to walk to town. Just being here negates much of that.
Like I read - it's just beautiful. People are friendly and helpful. I have learned much in the three days I've been here.
A picture from when I first arrived. This is in San Isidro Perez Zeledon.
Where we eat.
Later OF.
Costa Rica
Outta Here
This time it's like really "Outta Here". Fact of the matter is since I returned from West Africa a long long time ago I have been a lot of places but not really that far and never left the States except to cross over into Mexico for a bit now and then back when it was much safer.
Later this morning will get on a big bird something not done in quite awhile as well and end up in Costa Rica this evening long about 7:30.
Not much else to say except I will be a good boy when I have to remove my footwear. I expect to be making some posts - how many or often not sure about.
I have voted of course and will be paying close attention to the results of the election.
So I'm outta here for now but will be bok. Best to everyone who comes by. Comments not necessary.
Later this morning will get on a big bird something not done in quite awhile as well and end up in Costa Rica this evening long about 7:30.
Not much else to say except I will be a good boy when I have to remove my footwear. I expect to be making some posts - how many or often not sure about.
I have voted of course and will be paying close attention to the results of the election.
So I'm outta here for now but will be bok. Best to everyone who comes by. Comments not necessary.
Costa Rica,
Outta here
Yesterday At The Museum
Yesterday went to the Denver Museum of Nature & Science for a specific reason. Was not feeling good at all but got it done.
The reason was to see the exhibit known as the "Wall of Rhodo". Rhodo meaning rhodochrosite.
I was in the Sweet Home Mine the day (early 90's) they were attempting to remove this huge piece of material embedded with this ruby like and highly sought after gem stone. It is was put on display at the museum and never took the time to go and see it till yesterday.
Remember clicking on the pictures makes them larger.
This is a one of a kind and just huge. The picture does this no justice but go here to get a much better idea of how amazing this piece is.
You find gemstones like this in crevices. The problem is removing them without damage.
A picture from an exhibit that actually looks real.
Denver is a very cool city in many ways.
It made my day seeing this.
The reason was to see the exhibit known as the "Wall of Rhodo". Rhodo meaning rhodochrosite.
I was in the Sweet Home Mine the day (early 90's) they were attempting to remove this huge piece of material embedded with this ruby like and highly sought after gem stone. It is was put on display at the museum and never took the time to go and see it till yesterday.
Remember clicking on the pictures makes them larger.
This is a one of a kind and just huge. The picture does this no justice but go here to get a much better idea of how amazing this piece is.
You find gemstones like this in crevices. The problem is removing them without damage.
A picture from an exhibit that actually looks real.
Denver is a very cool city in many ways.
It made my day seeing this.
A Walk Last March
When I was told about this place thought I would try to capture a bit of what it would be like if you wanted to be somewhere but couldn't be and what it was like for the guy (me) who was doing this for the first time as well.
Easier said than done. There's a bit of substance here and I'm glad I got to see this. It's fair to say if you ask a local something beware of the answer even if you get one. This fellow gave me some good info.
I lost interest in this but ran across it the other day and finished it.
Cross posted @ The Picture Place
Easier said than done. There's a bit of substance here and I'm glad I got to see this. It's fair to say if you ask a local something beware of the answer even if you get one. This fellow gave me some good info.
I lost interest in this but ran across it the other day and finished it.
Cross posted @ The Picture Place
In The Last Throes Of Preparedness
At least what I think that may be. Leaving here tomorrow morning sometime. Just piddle ass crap left but do want to get the leaves out of the gutters if possible.
Just found out going to ride up to Pueblo in my brother's new used really nice Subaru. Driven it a ways but not far. I like driving a bunch but it's sure nice to get some total window time now and then.
It would be nice to get something decent for lunch. Hard to do sometimes. Anyway gotta go. I'll be bok. Nary a cloud in the sky.
Just found out going to ride up to Pueblo in my brother's new used really nice Subaru. Driven it a ways but not far. I like driving a bunch but it's sure nice to get some total window time now and then.
It would be nice to get something decent for lunch. Hard to do sometimes. Anyway gotta go. I'll be bok. Nary a cloud in the sky.
The Four Letter Arrived
It has been bland color wise for a while and this morning was a very nice change. The view to the south does not get old to me and times like this make it even better. This was just a bit ago and it looks even prettier now.
Just Can Not Let The Crazy Slide
It's really hard to have any sense of civility when you have people who say they know for a fact what their god says. This douche bag Mordock says when women become pregnant after being raped, “that’s something God intended.”
The other part of this that I have not seen is that given that position from god who he must be in touch with - then whether the rape results in their miracle of life or not - every rape every where was intended. Then god is responsible for every rape that happens. That's what this piece of human shit is saying and I'm supposed to go along with that if he gets his way. My ass!
Along the same identical thought process from them - the 17 year old just arrested in the Jessica Ridgeway murder dismembered her body because god intended that too?? Or he doesn't go along with cutting bodies up? Maybe sometimes? No matter what he damn sure is aboard for rape that is certain. You fuckers are lost to humanity. You've fallen off your very own flat earth.
You sick fucks wherever you may be will never get one drop of respect from me never fucking ever because all you deserve is scorn and ridicule. You are so mind screwed there is no getting your reasoning process back. It was stolen from you at a very young age.
Normally there could be a bit of give but you and those like you have become too dangerous. My issue is not so much in what you said but the number of those who take extreme religious positions. They are controlling the debate at national level and it's scary.
I'll take this Mordock over those above any day!
The other part of this that I have not seen is that given that position from god who he must be in touch with - then whether the rape results in their miracle of life or not - every rape every where was intended. Then god is responsible for every rape that happens. That's what this piece of human shit is saying and I'm supposed to go along with that if he gets his way. My ass!
Along the same identical thought process from them - the 17 year old just arrested in the Jessica Ridgeway murder dismembered her body because god intended that too?? Or he doesn't go along with cutting bodies up? Maybe sometimes? No matter what he damn sure is aboard for rape that is certain. You fuckers are lost to humanity. You've fallen off your very own flat earth.
You sick fucks wherever you may be will never get one drop of respect from me never fucking ever because all you deserve is scorn and ridicule. You are so mind screwed there is no getting your reasoning process back. It was stolen from you at a very young age.
Normally there could be a bit of give but you and those like you have become too dangerous. My issue is not so much in what you said but the number of those who take extreme religious positions. They are controlling the debate at national level and it's scary.
I'll take this Mordock over those above any day!
BLM Means Business When It Comes To Artifacts
These two older fellows can attest to that.
Howard H. Drake, 76, of Silverton, was sentenced to 10 days in jail for picking up a human skull and showing it to a group of hikers.Harry Hance, 81, of Mancos, was sentenced to three days in jail for helping organize the hikes.
It could have been worse and Drake should have known better. I want to go on one of these Senior Outdoor hikes like this. This one was out of Durango.
Have I ever seen a skull or say a basket? No and if I did I would not touch either. Pick up a shard of pottery? Yes I do.
This "off trail" position in places has become too overbearing and uncompromising. Do I go off trail? Of course at times and it depends where you are. I'm too old to get my ass chewed out. Do I climb on walls? No. Do I respect whats there? Of course yes - very much so!
Howard H. Drake, 76, of Silverton, was sentenced to 10 days in jail for picking up a human skull and showing it to a group of hikers.Harry Hance, 81, of Mancos, was sentenced to three days in jail for helping organize the hikes.
It could have been worse and Drake should have known better. I want to go on one of these Senior Outdoor hikes like this. This one was out of Durango.
Have I ever seen a skull or say a basket? No and if I did I would not touch either. Pick up a shard of pottery? Yes I do.
This "off trail" position in places has become too overbearing and uncompromising. Do I go off trail? Of course at times and it depends where you are. I'm too old to get my ass chewed out. Do I climb on walls? No. Do I respect whats there? Of course yes - very much so!
Nice Girls
Yesterday listening to one of my favorite streaming radio stations one of the hosts name was Deborah Berg. An artist's name that stuck from years ago and a song of hers that over the years never heard that often but really like.
There are several very "nice girls" that come around here so this is for you.
There are several very "nice girls" that come around here so this is for you.
Russell Means

Talk about a player. This man was one. I respect him a great deal.
Baghdad Burning's Fifth Anniversary
10/22/12 - Last year I forgot this and after reading the first paragraph again of this young woman's last post as what she said has become even more important - well because it was Syria her family fled to along with hundreds of thousand other Iraqi families as well. The paragraph -
Syria is a beautiful country- at least I think it is. I say “I think” because while I perceive it to be beautiful, I sometimes wonder if I mistake safety, security and normalcy for ‘beauty’. In so many ways, Damascus is like Baghdad before the war- bustling streets, occasional traffic jams, markets seemingly always full of shoppers… And in so many ways it’s different. The buildings are higher, the streets are generally narrower and there’s a mountain, Qasiyoun, that looms in the distance.
We all know what Syria is like now. I do not think this girl made it nor her family. If she has this is one person I would very much like to meet. Amazing stories and insight this young lady had. What this country has done to literally millions around the globe is beyond despicable. They are crimes against humanity and I will always want those responsible to be held accountable!
The third year has gone by and the message remains the same and the light will stay on in the hopes this young lady and her family survived what our country did to theirs. I want to hear the rest of her story and as long as this blog exists this will be the post for October 22.

A post from a year ago with the same feeling as then maybe more. And the light will remain on for another year.
One year ago today was Riverbend's last post. Many of you have read her posts I'm sure and I for one looked forward to every new one. As things deteriorated in Iraq her postings became less frequent and her family made the decision to leave Iraq for Syria.
I learned so much from this young women things you wouldn't find anywhere else. A perspective of life in Iraq that was so very negatively affected by our invasion that was close to normal before our intervention even with Saddam at the helm.
Just wanted to acknowledge this date. The light and the link stays on in the hopes that she is okay and that the next time I visit there will be a new post. That would make it a good day if that happened and hope very much it does.
Syria is a beautiful country- at least I think it is. I say “I think” because while I perceive it to be beautiful, I sometimes wonder if I mistake safety, security and normalcy for ‘beauty’. In so many ways, Damascus is like Baghdad before the war- bustling streets, occasional traffic jams, markets seemingly always full of shoppers… And in so many ways it’s different. The buildings are higher, the streets are generally narrower and there’s a mountain, Qasiyoun, that looms in the distance.
We all know what Syria is like now. I do not think this girl made it nor her family. If she has this is one person I would very much like to meet. Amazing stories and insight this young lady had. What this country has done to literally millions around the globe is beyond despicable. They are crimes against humanity and I will always want those responsible to be held accountable!
The third year has gone by and the message remains the same and the light will stay on in the hopes this young lady and her family survived what our country did to theirs. I want to hear the rest of her story and as long as this blog exists this will be the post for October 22.

A post from a year ago with the same feeling as then maybe more. And the light will remain on for another year.
One year ago today was Riverbend's last post. Many of you have read her posts I'm sure and I for one looked forward to every new one. As things deteriorated in Iraq her postings became less frequent and her family made the decision to leave Iraq for Syria.
I learned so much from this young women things you wouldn't find anywhere else. A perspective of life in Iraq that was so very negatively affected by our invasion that was close to normal before our intervention even with Saddam at the helm.
Just wanted to acknowledge this date. The light and the link stays on in the hopes that she is okay and that the next time I visit there will be a new post. That would make it a good day if that happened and hope very much it does.
The Empire's War Machine Headed South
After fucking things up proper in the Middle East for a pack of lies this Chester has been tapped to head up AFRICOM.
He's been at this job for a long time all over the place. He does the bidding of his masters. He's probably a decent fellow.
AFRICOM the newest you betcha from the people who are really calling the shots. About three times the size of the good 'ol USof A and filled with many untapped resources and and people who are easier to influence than some and that does not mean uneducated Africans.
Africa Command, headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany, is the newest of the Defense Department’s nine unified combatant commands.
It was created in 2007 and is responsible for U.S. military relations with 54 African countries.
There is little good that will come out of this except for those who benefit from endless war on the bodies of others.
And few say boo. Where we are at as a nation. Having to take it for years and knowing there are many more of the same coming down the tube sucks.
I will not be quiet like others. We already have a long military history there. If anyone thinks that this Africa War Machine/Front will not grow into something hideous you are wrong.
He's been at this job for a long time all over the place. He does the bidding of his masters. He's probably a decent fellow.
AFRICOM the newest you betcha from the people who are really calling the shots. About three times the size of the good 'ol USof A and filled with many untapped resources and and people who are easier to influence than some and that does not mean uneducated Africans.
Africa Command, headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany, is the newest of the Defense Department’s nine unified combatant commands.
It was created in 2007 and is responsible for U.S. military relations with 54 African countries.
There is little good that will come out of this except for those who benefit from endless war on the bodies of others.
And few say boo. Where we are at as a nation. Having to take it for years and knowing there are many more of the same coming down the tube sucks.
I will not be quiet like others. We already have a long military history there. If anyone thinks that this Africa War Machine/Front will not grow into something hideous you are wrong.
hind tit,
war whores
DU Was Not A Discussion Item Back Then Either
It's back but then it never left. Depleted Uranium was a mainstay in the battle of terra. Killing fever was high as it is today. No way were they going to stop using these weapons.
There is some validity in these numbers contained in this piece for sure. There will be no discussion anywhere about this radioactive killer we let loose on purpose.
A recent study shows a spiraling numbers of birth defects, ranging from congenital heart defects to brain dysfunctions and malformed limbs, among Iraqi babies as a result of weapons used by the US and UK forces.
The most common abnormalities discovered in Fallujah children are congenital heart defects as 24 out of 26 children were born with the defect.
Always remembered this interview with Dr. Asaf Durakovic on Democracy Now back on 1/30/03. Another one of the truth tellers we got rid of in our lust for world dominance.
The doc comes on @ 29:35. "mathematical certainty"means just that. Try that today and you're liable to get some Repuglican wanting to kick your ass. I mean after all.
There is some validity in these numbers contained in this piece for sure. There will be no discussion anywhere about this radioactive killer we let loose on purpose.
A recent study shows a spiraling numbers of birth defects, ranging from congenital heart defects to brain dysfunctions and malformed limbs, among Iraqi babies as a result of weapons used by the US and UK forces.
The most common abnormalities discovered in Fallujah children are congenital heart defects as 24 out of 26 children were born with the defect.
Always remembered this interview with Dr. Asaf Durakovic on Democracy Now back on 1/30/03. Another one of the truth tellers we got rid of in our lust for world dominance.
The doc comes on @ 29:35. "mathematical certainty"means just that. Try that today and you're liable to get some Repuglican wanting to kick your ass. I mean after all.
Nonexistent Cloud Being Becomes Suspect In Murder Case
That's what it looks like to me. Many killers have a cross hanging around. Many leaders of countries who kill have have crosses very close by.
Westminster Police on Friday say they recovered a 1-inch wooden cross while investigating the abduction and murder of 10-year-old Jessica Ridgeway that they believe may help them find her killer.
Westminster Police on Friday say they recovered a 1-inch wooden cross while investigating the abduction and murder of 10-year-old Jessica Ridgeway that they believe may help them find her killer.
Poor Man's Country
On the drive across the San Luis valley and beyond yesterday did not see many supportive signs for Obama. Did see this one however.
Then you have this paid slut for Fox Whore news getting off her bus up the road and some of the first crap outta her mouth was this.
But Crowley started by targeting "left-wing kooks" and ended by saying the existence of the U.S. depended on the ouster of President Barack Obama."We're still a young country," she said. "The American mind is still idealistic, so it's hard to believe, it's hard to hear that the president of the United States wants to destroy us within, but that's what's happening."
On a tour you see-
The bus tour, sponsored by Americans for Prosperity, was billed as an "issue advocacy effort" that didn't "expressly advocate for the success or defeat of any candidate.
Media will eventually be the root cause of this country's failure.
Then you have this paid slut for Fox Whore news getting off her bus up the road and some of the first crap outta her mouth was this.
But Crowley started by targeting "left-wing kooks" and ended by saying the existence of the U.S. depended on the ouster of President Barack Obama."We're still a young country," she said. "The American mind is still idealistic, so it's hard to believe, it's hard to hear that the president of the United States wants to destroy us within, but that's what's happening."
On a tour you see-
The bus tour, sponsored by Americans for Prosperity, was billed as an "issue advocacy effort" that didn't "expressly advocate for the success or defeat of any candidate.
Media will eventually be the root cause of this country's failure.
media whores,
screwing minds
Done Deal
And mission accomplished. This is a real nice Suby with some amenities. It should be too cuz it cost a lot. I'm done but the money will continue to flow for the other stuff needed. To be clear it was not me who bought this.
Took most of nine hours and uneventful. There are still aspens and other trees with color but all past peak. It was a good ride.
Took most of nine hours and uneventful. There are still aspens and other trees with color but all past peak. It was a good ride.
170 Straight West
Not a cloud in the sky and sun at our back. It will be a real pretty ride to Pagosa Springs shortly. The last car we drove to look at was not "pristine" as represented for it's mileage and age. I'd bet money this car will be like it said to be.
Headed into different terrain crossing two mountain passes. It is fairly drab around here at best and have been sticking probably too close to home but it's now less than two weeks away for the flight out. Pretty much ready with a few small things left to do.
Maybe I will find a picture some place as in the last few weeks there just haven't been any to be had. At times you just see them and a lot of the time you get lucky.
Later - have a good one.
BTW - there's a live one in here somewhere think under the fridge. Damn cat slipped one in. It's staying inside today.
Headed into different terrain crossing two mountain passes. It is fairly drab around here at best and have been sticking probably too close to home but it's now less than two weeks away for the flight out. Pretty much ready with a few small things left to do.
Maybe I will find a picture some place as in the last few weeks there just haven't been any to be had. At times you just see them and a lot of the time you get lucky.
Later - have a good one.
BTW - there's a live one in here somewhere think under the fridge. Damn cat slipped one in. It's staying inside today.
Buying A Car
This is hard work and it's not even me doing it. Long story that will not be touched on only to say the dynamics of buying a used Subaru have changed from what they once were.
Drove to Florissant which is 30 some miles west of Colorado Springs. A '09 Forester private party. Traveled over a 100 and it took less than five minutes and we drove away.
We actually stopped at the Suby dealer in the Springs where believe it or not a car may get bought. A real nice one. It should be for how much it costs. Just want to say it was a pretty decent experience. Because of the dynamics mentioned before one of which is used Suby's are commanding top dollar no matter who has them. Thus dealers enter the picture a bit anyway.
Next in line is a ride to Pagosa Springs on Thurs to look at another private party Forester. Like I say it's not me but if this one is not had the other one at the dealer if it's not been sold will be. Pretty sure anyway.
It's ma job these days.
Drove to Florissant which is 30 some miles west of Colorado Springs. A '09 Forester private party. Traveled over a 100 and it took less than five minutes and we drove away.
We actually stopped at the Suby dealer in the Springs where believe it or not a car may get bought. A real nice one. It should be for how much it costs. Just want to say it was a pretty decent experience. Because of the dynamics mentioned before one of which is used Suby's are commanding top dollar no matter who has them. Thus dealers enter the picture a bit anyway.
Next in line is a ride to Pagosa Springs on Thurs to look at another private party Forester. Like I say it's not me but if this one is not had the other one at the dealer if it's not been sold will be. Pretty sure anyway.
It's ma job these days.
I Get It Bud
Veterans do get a certain level of respect for obvious reasons. Guys like this not so much. In fact in this case probably none for obvious reasons.
Mentality displayed here associated with the military does not mean it's positive or correct. It's a negative actually.
Mentality displayed here associated with the military does not mean it's positive or correct. It's a negative actually.
B B B B But "I Am Not A Racist,"
Ya right.
The woman who resigned her City Council seat in 2007 after saying on a local website that a Democrat is worse than "being a black disabled one-armed drug addicted Jewish queer" who has a "Mexican boyfriend" is now running for mayor. "The past is the past,"
Don't ya love it. At national level all the way down to here to be able to say whatever you want and of course lies are at the top and barely be called out on it.
The woman who resigned her City Council seat in 2007 after saying on a local website that a Democrat is worse than "being a black disabled one-armed drug addicted Jewish queer" who has a "Mexican boyfriend" is now running for mayor. "The past is the past,"
Don't ya love it. At national level all the way down to here to be able to say whatever you want and of course lies are at the top and barely be called out on it.
Jessica Ridgeway
The last thing anyone wanted to have happen was for this little girl to be found deceased. What makes this so hideous of course is the way her body was found. That makes this totally different but equal to any case where a child is murdered.
The family's anguish is far from over. My hope is that this case is solved very quickly. Everyone is a suspect no matter what the authorities say. Many will come under intense scrutiny.
That intrusion by government agency's will be hard for some I'm sure but it has to be. I want this killer found so in doing so these badges will dig hard.This is very different than data mining or other tactics used on citizens by the government that many of us agree is wrong.
In cases like this I'm willing to put up maybe give up something to catch this evil sick bastard who did this.
I'm all on board with Team Badge. Just get this sonofabitch soon. No fucking mercy - none!
The family's anguish is far from over. My hope is that this case is solved very quickly. Everyone is a suspect no matter what the authorities say. Many will come under intense scrutiny.
That intrusion by government agency's will be hard for some I'm sure but it has to be. I want this killer found so in doing so these badges will dig hard.This is very different than data mining or other tactics used on citizens by the government that many of us agree is wrong.
In cases like this I'm willing to put up maybe give up something to catch this evil sick bastard who did this.
I'm all on board with Team Badge. Just get this sonofabitch soon. No fucking mercy - none!
hideous bastards
An Example Of The Good
Can you imagine the outcry here if something similar was done that impacted certain businesses and crazy's who scream bat shit crazy crap about government intrusion or what ever else they dream up.
Costa Rica is a leader in Eco-Tourism. This decree signed yesterday banning shark finning, as well as the importation and transportation of shark fins is just huge.
At 10 a.m. Wednesday morning, President Laura Chinchilla, flanked by Environment Minister René Castro and noted conservationist and billionaire owner of the Virgin Group, Richard Branson, signed a presidential decree that bans the practice of shark finning, as well as the importation and transportation of shark fins.
Costa Rica is a leader in Eco-Tourism. This decree signed yesterday banning shark finning, as well as the importation and transportation of shark fins is just huge.
At 10 a.m. Wednesday morning, President Laura Chinchilla, flanked by Environment Minister René Castro and noted conservationist and billionaire owner of the Virgin Group, Richard Branson, signed a presidential decree that bans the practice of shark finning, as well as the importation and transportation of shark fins.
good things
Just What In The Hell Would They Do??
If only we actually had a say in how our money is used and said no to much of this. Me dreaming about this "if" changes nothing. A very sobering piece below.
Sales from the 44 US-based companies featured accounted for over 60% of all arms sales by the top 100 producers in 2010, with Lockheed Martin topping the list at $35.7bn (£22.4bn) worth of arms sales in 2010.
Life must be good for those above. They make life good for the ones who vote to send them my dollars for a war machine I do not want. People aren't buying shit and won't anytime soon. We have a war machine economy and looking for more while the Chesters tell those on the Hill just how things are going to be done.
Sales from the 44 US-based companies featured accounted for over 60% of all arms sales by the top 100 producers in 2010, with Lockheed Martin topping the list at $35.7bn (£22.4bn) worth of arms sales in 2010.
Life must be good for those above. They make life good for the ones who vote to send them my dollars for a war machine I do not want. People aren't buying shit and won't anytime soon. We have a war machine economy and looking for more while the Chesters tell those on the Hill just how things are going to be done.
war whores
The Repuglican Candidate Says - - -
“There’s no legislation with regards to abortion that I’m familiar with that would become part of my agenda,”
That's real special. This kinda shit is headlines in this country in an attempt to make it appear these bastards on the Wrong have a heart of some type. They don't and they don't plan on getting one.
Pure fresh bull shit and just another reason the electorate across the Empire is all kinds of fucked up stupid.
That's real special. This kinda shit is headlines in this country in an attempt to make it appear these bastards on the Wrong have a heart of some type. They don't and they don't plan on getting one.
Pure fresh bull shit and just another reason the electorate across the Empire is all kinds of fucked up stupid.
dumb shits,
media whores
Another Conversation That Won't Happen
When religious nuttery is allowed to frame discussions in this country there will not be one on world population because we can't be insulting something that does not exist.
870 million suffering from chronic malnourishment with a 100 million of those children.
Nearly 870 million people, or one in eight, were suffering from chronic undernourishment in 2010-2012, according to the new UN hunger report released today.
In this piece it suggests there has been improvements.
The new figure is lower than recent estimates that had put the number of hungry people at 925 million in 2010 and one billion in 2009.
World population growth can not be sustained at these levels. It's just that simple. It will not be discussed here in the US of A. After all it's about the miracle of making more humans who will not have enough to eat ya see.
870 million suffering from chronic malnourishment with a 100 million of those children.
Nearly 870 million people, or one in eight, were suffering from chronic undernourishment in 2010-2012, according to the new UN hunger report released today.
In this piece it suggests there has been improvements.
The new figure is lower than recent estimates that had put the number of hungry people at 925 million in 2010 and one billion in 2009.
World population growth can not be sustained at these levels. It's just that simple. It will not be discussed here in the US of A. After all it's about the miracle of making more humans who will not have enough to eat ya see.
Rank | Country | Population 2010 |
Population 1990 |
Growth (%) 1990-2010 |
World | 6,895,889,000 | 5,306,425,000 | 30.0% | |
1 | 1,341,335,000 | 1,145,195,000 | 17.1% | |
2 | 1,224,614,000 | 873,785,000 | 40.2% | |
3 | 310,384,000 | 253,339,000 | 22.5% | |
4 | 239,871,000 | 184,346,000 | 30.1% | |
5 | 194,946,000 | 149,650,000 | 30.3% | |
6 | 173,593,000 | 111,845,000 | 55.3% | |
7 | 158,423,000 | 97,552,000 | 62.4% | |
8 | 148,692,000 | 105,256,000 | 41.3% | |
9 | 142,958,000 | 148,244,000 | -3.6% | |
10 | 128,057,000 | 122,251,000 | 4.7% |
Enjoy it while you can.
mind screwed
Simple Twit Kills Self Eating Roaches
This is news in the Empire. So maybe we are supposed to feel compassion and say how sorry we that this happened. I don't think so. Two other words come to mind - dumb ass! And because he wanted to win a python. Yup that makes it all add up the right way.
After downing more than 20 giant creepy-crawlies, Archbold vomited, collapsed and died. The grand prize has been put aside in his name and will be given to his estate.
Read more here:
After downing more than 20 giant creepy-crawlies, Archbold vomited, collapsed and died. The grand prize has been put aside in his name and will be given to his estate.
Read more here:
dumb shits
The Killer Monkey Lived
But it seems after Hugo kicked butt some Venezuelans may not.
Chavez's critics say the president has inflamed divisions by labeling his opponents "fascists," ''Yankees" and "neo-Nazis," and it's likely hard for many of his opponents to stomach another six years of the loquacious and conflictive leader.
A much better article here.
Will never forget laughing my ass off when I saw this the first time and many after as well. It's the damn truth too.
Chavez's critics say the president has inflamed divisions by labeling his opponents "fascists," ''Yankees" and "neo-Nazis," and it's likely hard for many of his opponents to stomach another six years of the loquacious and conflictive leader.
A much better article here.
Will never forget laughing my ass off when I saw this the first time and many after as well. It's the damn truth too.
The elections are today. Mercuns hate this guy sooo much. The history of this country's association with this man is deplorable. Myself I find the knowledge level of his supporters to be far more than the average person here. The enthusiasm level of people on both sides is very high.
Chaves supporters echo "the people" message and love this man to death because he has given millions so much that they would have never had like education and health care of all things! The other side takes in my opinion the corporate side like what you see here and the other side in Venezuela is the upper class.
I hope Hugo wins and lives a long life. We have tried to kill him several times. Are ya proud of your country?? Well are ya.
What Hugo said several years ago. Because corporate and religious insanity rule in the States a legitimate conversation with this man will never be allowed. We could learn much but it won't happen and that is unfortunate.
Chaves supporters echo "the people" message and love this man to death because he has given millions so much that they would have never had like education and health care of all things! The other side takes in my opinion the corporate side like what you see here and the other side in Venezuela is the upper class.
I hope Hugo wins and lives a long life. We have tried to kill him several times. Are ya proud of your country?? Well are ya.
What Hugo said several years ago. Because corporate and religious insanity rule in the States a legitimate conversation with this man will never be allowed. We could learn much but it won't happen and that is unfortunate.
A Conversation Not Allowed
It's not just this topic either. When you throw into the mix religion out the door goes logic and common sense. Compound this at a national level and what you find for the most part is religious insanity behind the wheel driving drunk as a hopped up hoot owl.
May this young lady pass peacefully as she wants as it is her life decision and right to make for herself. Not by others who wish to impose their belief mores on all of us.
No group or person should have the right to impose their beliefs on others if the "others" choose not to participate.
It's real simple actually. It's not a stretch to say that the many who attempt this are mind screwed since birth mostly in a belief system that is more than severely flawed.
The level at which this is happening is disturbing. The hate from too many of these "believer" types when things don't go their way is even more alarming.
Across the board for the most part this segment of people are Repuglicans. They lie, cheat and steal. If that don't work they'll fucking kill ya and that's a fact.
May this young lady pass peacefully as she wants as it is her life decision and right to make for herself. Not by others who wish to impose their belief mores on all of us.
No group or person should have the right to impose their beliefs on others if the "others" choose not to participate.
It's real simple actually. It's not a stretch to say that the many who attempt this are mind screwed since birth mostly in a belief system that is more than severely flawed.
The level at which this is happening is disturbing. The hate from too many of these "believer" types when things don't go their way is even more alarming.
Across the board for the most part this segment of people are Repuglicans. They lie, cheat and steal. If that don't work they'll fucking kill ya and that's a fact.
only your way,
religious nonsense
Death Threats From Who ??
Not our side/us. I guess most of us in a sense are more passive or some damn thing. At least I tend to be that way. It's people on the right that threaten, harm and many times kill others that don't agree with their view of the world.
So you have a restaurant and decline some time ago to participate in an event for presidential candidate Romney. It's the real Repuglican world. People who take that position have to pay a price. It's the way these people operate.
"I have gotten two death threats," said Oscar Aguirre, who owns the restaurant with his parents. "Somebody just called in, said, 'Go back to Mexico.' "
A sample of what lies ahead when these crazy bastards are in control. These people kill - they surely do.
So you have a restaurant and decline some time ago to participate in an event for presidential candidate Romney. It's the real Repuglican world. People who take that position have to pay a price. It's the way these people operate.
"I have gotten two death threats," said Oscar Aguirre, who owns the restaurant with his parents. "Somebody just called in, said, 'Go back to Mexico.' "
A sample of what lies ahead when these crazy bastards are in control. These people kill - they surely do.
crazy bastards
Mad As Hell Huh??
So are many of us but little difference that makes.
What Chester really means is that his business of killing just isn't going his way.
“I’m mad as hell about them, to be honest with you,” General John Allen said on Saturday.“We’re willing to sacrifice a lot for this campaign, but we’re not willing to be murdered for it.” Allen also claimed that the “vast majority of Afghans… they’re with us in this.”
With so many "with us" that makes it okay in chester speak. Not mad for as long as many of us and for the wrong reasons too.
On it will go with others waiting in the wings ready to fly at a moments notice if need be. The 1% needs to be fed. Over 50% of our nation's budget to the Defense Dept. and that's okay. Few say boo. Even less attempt change.
What Chester really means is that his business of killing just isn't going his way.
“I’m mad as hell about them, to be honest with you,” General John Allen said on Saturday.“We’re willing to sacrifice a lot for this campaign, but we’re not willing to be murdered for it.” Allen also claimed that the “vast majority of Afghans… they’re with us in this.”
With so many "with us" that makes it okay in chester speak. Not mad for as long as many of us and for the wrong reasons too.
On it will go with others waiting in the wings ready to fly at a moments notice if need be. The 1% needs to be fed. Over 50% of our nation's budget to the Defense Dept. and that's okay. Few say boo. Even less attempt change.
Our Empire's Military Twits
After 11 years normal people would have figured this out.
"Please do not get offended if you see a NATO member blowing his/her nose in front of you," the guide instructs. they may show their excitement by patting one another on the back or the behind," The guide also warns Afghan soldiers that Western troops might wink at them or inquire about their female relatives or expose their private parts while showering — all inappropriate actions by Afghan standards.
They aren't killing us because of this but because we are an occupying Empire that keeps tens of thousands of troops in their country that kills them. That's why!
"Please do not get offended if you see a NATO member blowing his/her nose in front of you," the guide instructs. they may show their excitement by patting one another on the back or the behind," The guide also warns Afghan soldiers that Western troops might wink at them or inquire about their female relatives or expose their private parts while showering — all inappropriate actions by Afghan standards.
They aren't killing us because of this but because we are an occupying Empire that keeps tens of thousands of troops in their country that kills them. That's why!
stupid shits,
war whores
An Excellant Correct Reason
To root against the Donks and the rest of 'em too for that matter.
If only both teams of any NFL contest could lose we'd all be better off.
If only both teams of any NFL contest could lose we'd all be better off.
Mutilated With The Same M. O.
This has been going on for years with the San Luis Valley being the hot spot for cattle mutilations. This one is south 50 miles and they have occurred very close to here as well.
His son had gone hunting on the family ranch 40 miles west of Trinidad on the Sunday before Labor Day, about a month ago, and came upon the remains of the heifer. The dead animal was missing its uterus, tongue and part of one ear, yet there was no blood in the area or signs of human presence. “It was a really scary thing to see, and I felt terrible for that poor animal,” Torres said. “Bears don’t remove body parts that way, so it had to be something else. Another strange thing was that all the vegetation around the animal was dead, for about a 12 to 14 foot area.”
No blood,surgical cuts,the same parts removed and like this one no vegetation and no tracks. Plus moving some of these animals.
Maybe there was swamp gas in the area but I think not. Just wish I could stay awake late to view the sky. If only these beings would expose themselves and it would be a great start to debunking religious nuttery.
His son had gone hunting on the family ranch 40 miles west of Trinidad on the Sunday before Labor Day, about a month ago, and came upon the remains of the heifer. The dead animal was missing its uterus, tongue and part of one ear, yet there was no blood in the area or signs of human presence. “It was a really scary thing to see, and I felt terrible for that poor animal,” Torres said. “Bears don’t remove body parts that way, so it had to be something else. Another strange thing was that all the vegetation around the animal was dead, for about a 12 to 14 foot area.”
No blood,surgical cuts,the same parts removed and like this one no vegetation and no tracks. Plus moving some of these animals.
Maybe there was swamp gas in the area but I think not. Just wish I could stay awake late to view the sky. If only these beings would expose themselves and it would be a great start to debunking religious nuttery.
cattle mutilations
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