The truth of the matter is in the faces of the other three. These men are pissed fucking off no ifs ands or buts about it.
The idea being presented is that this bill is good for you and me and our country is nothing but a fucking lie and I am so god damned tired of being lied to. Sonsofbitches!

I am listening to it being called a bunch of crap right now and their faces reflect it! It is supposed to be a win for the insurance companies. It is a bitter pill to swallow for progressives.
ReplyDeleteThe Corporate Dems and Joe (Isreal and Insurance) Lieberman have spoken and Barking Barack has no bite. What a bunch of corporate suckups. The DLC and (I'm Your Private Dancer) Rahm Emanuel are the Designated Destroyers of the Democratic Party. I'm saying a Russ Feingold/Howard Dean ticket in 2012 under the Progressive/Populist Banner. I've seen enough of Obama/Biden already. Hell, Obama's so desperate he'd take the Stupak Amendment. What a candycock, skinny ass shuck and jiver. All to gether now; Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran and then it's Blowup Pakistan...
ReplyDeleteNo good news here. Obama seems to be taking on the " something is better than nothing " mode of the Carter Adm. While Obama may be a guy you'd have a nice, buttery California Chardonnay with, he seems to be over his pay grade in leading the charge for change we can believe in. How many Congressman does it take to tip over Barack? None. He falls on his face by himself.
ReplyDeleteThis blog, once again, has gone to far. It is over the top to call this man a candycock. Just because The President of The United States of America has fallen like a toothless whore to his knees, genuflecting to the Corporations of America, doesn't mean he's a complete bought and sold bitch. It just means he's a wannabe complete bought and sold bitch. Give this man a chance and I'm sure he'll fuck up things even worse. The greatest chronicler of America, Mark Twain, said and I quote: " Of the demonstrably wise their are but two; those who commit suicide and those who keep their reasoning faculties atrophied by drink (and drugs)". Afuckingmen to that.
ReplyDeleteOTC- I humbly withdraw my comment that Barack is a candycock. One of my black friends informs me this particular fact should be kept on what he calls the downlow. It is ok, according to my black friends, to call him a candyass. Sorry about that. Again my bad for confusing a candycock with a candyass. I'll try to keep those two words on the downlow from here on out.
ReplyDeleteThe Obamanable Snow-job Man