I drove past this between Salida and Cotopaxi on State Highway 50 in Colorado. I had to turn around and tell whoever that I stood with them totally assuming I was correct. I was and got the biggest hug of appreciation for doing so.

From my understanding, there are close to 3000 children being held around this country after being seized from their parents at the border.

Many will never see their Mom and Dad again because Republicans are totally evil.

You bastards!


To This RPCV Chris Matthews Has As Much Credibility As A Dung Beetle And Is An Embarrasment To All Those Who Served In The Peace Corps

The header pretty much says it all. What a piece of shit this horse's ass is. I'd bet plenty that he was a real prick know it all special cocksucker while in the PC as well.

So you apologized-so what asshole-you're still an asshole. Just another tool of the Right to make our country even dumber than it is now.

You don't deserve to swing like others do but having part of your tongue cut out would be fitting punishment for being what you are and for doing what you have done and continue to do five days a week.

My left thumb and index finger are rubbing together and pointing at you the worst insult I can muster at this time.

I forgot to say KISS MY ASS!


  1. Matthews is the poster boy for the Corporate/Establishment/Journalist. He damns with faint praise Progressive politics and is a condescending asshole to boot. About his Peace Corps work I acknowledge his service but like anyone who has lived in a foreign land and studied the personal connections of people the "takeaways" are individual in nature. Read The Ugly American by Graham Greene: it is a good snapshot in time on this subject. But you're right that he's an overbearing asshole of the first order.

  2. I'm gonna have to see what this is all about. I missed what Chris said but heard a bit of his apology yesterday not knowing what he apologized for! Musta been bad, huh??

  3. How did he get in the Peace Corps?

    Seems I remember a certain "special guy" story.


  4. OTC- While I know One Fly has very little patience with alcoholism it is a disease. Matthews had to resurrect his career and exhibits many of the possible outcomes from complete sobriety. Everyone needs to visit an alternative reality to remain sane and I think Matthews has a hard time with that and thus his over the top persona. He's a moderate Repub so I acknowledge his bias and his struggles. Contrast him with Rachel and you'll see when someone is comfortable in their own skin. Adios, Amigo.
