Back in the cornfield
Register readers are
defending their Senator against an article in the NY Daily News. That's real fucking nice. I wrote Grassley shortly after the invasion of Iraq because of his relationship with
Sibel Edmonds who had such "credibility" stated after closed door hearings with her. In Iowa for Memorial Day services 2003 non of the Veterans and I spoke to all of the very few left were pissed fucking off our country invaded another without real reason. Told Grassley that too but he didn't listen. Whether it's this guy or anybody's guy these sacks of shit do not get a fucking break. They don't get a goddamn pass because they do good things back home. Fuck that I call major bullshit. Edmond's got a set of balls to be proud of for sure. Maybe these men are intimidated by the sheer size of these balls wielded by a very intelligent women identical to Valerie Plame with dark hair.
You fuckers took an oath to uphold the Constitution. Mostly ignored in the US
Edmonds recently has come out with some details but as usual not covered here but in the UK. And yes there will be no links as those on this side know this story and most of the others well. It's called
TREASON what the fuck is it you heart landers don't understand about this. Remember the
Huckster won in Iowa. Iowans are nice and proper like the Des Moines Register who does not allow "whore" to be used in comments.
Grassley is a whore. He and all the others who sold our country out to cover the blood trail left by so many treasonous cocksuckers deserve and get no pass here. Every last one of you go fuck yourselves. Stick the "good things he does" straight up your ass because truth and democracy take precedent.

Cross posted at
The Ornery Bastard
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